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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. The brown Americans he told to go back to their home countries?
  2. His popularity only shows how much Texas hated Cruz. In a race between Beto and Williamson, I'm going with "love" all the way.
  3. Careful you don't break your back bending it backwards to overlook Trump's behavior. I rarely talk race. The left plays the card far too often and it's divisive and stupid. America gives a better opportunity than most places for people of all races. And AOC is a poster child for divisive race talk. The absolute worst. That said, call Trump out when he says something racist. "Inarticulate" and "inaccurate" are cute word choices. Let's go with racist instead. He's done a lot of good things thus far in his presidency. But it doesn't mean he can't also say racist things and be called for it when he does.
  4. What happened to your context bona fides? Did you forget the sentence before? Here let me paste it for you: “So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe,”
  5. When he does something inarguably offensive, “Hillary” is the response. billsChan has a narrative to follow. This tweet won’t matter to the base. He’s gone after POWs for being prisoners and gold star families. A shot at brown folks won’t move the needle.
  6. De———flected. Nice save. B-Man can post a meme, DR a Twitter opinion from some guy, and this just goes away. It’s cool. My grandfather was a racist and I loved him. But maybe I would call him on it if he was president. Hillary! Merkel shakes! Alien patents! 17!
  7. Run away from the “context” of his racist statement. Isn’t it time for you to bring up Epstein? Or Hillary?
  8. Context he says. Nah. Can’t call this a racist statement. You just can’t criticize him. “So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world, now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”
  9. The actors definitely didn’t put a lot of work in to Russianize themselves. That was good but the changes to reality were bewildering to me. Totally unnecessary. It is a good(bad) story without Hollywood nonsense.
  10. I read her book a few years ago. It was a bit of a dull slog, with only the shortest stops in any civilization. That was a requirement given its expansive goal, but made for reading like just a long list of dates and places. Reading a couple pre-Clovis archeology books now. No report on them yet but the peopling of the Americas and their civilizations is a ways from what they taught in grammar school.
  11. “Aww shucks that’s just Trump being Trump. Wacky guy. “ Says DR. “What’s a little blatant anti-brown people talk from the president?” Personally, I can’t stand AOC and her re-elect Trump gang. But it’s not because I’m racist. Trump on the other hand decided race was the way to go. He didn’t misspeak. He wasn’t subtle. Just went for it. I’ve not called his statements racist or dog whistling before, but this one leaves no room for discussion. billsChan won’t care. He’s the (meaning now changing?) white knight. See last 3 pages.
  12. No. Most people called them Russians. Calling USSR people Soviets didn’t catch on with the masses.
  13. Sick burn! Anyone else tweet stuff today? I’ll be back as 24 shortly. One of you guys should archive this post in case I delete it.
  14. Love some Rammstein! Thanks for sharing.
  15. These Beautiful Love Games Young lovers wisely say, “Let’s try it from this angle, Maybe something marvelous will happen, Maybe three suns and two moons Will roll out From a hiding place in the body Our passion has yet to ignite.” Old lovers say, “We can do it one more time, How about from this longitude And latitude – Swinging from a rope tied to the ceiling, Maybe a part of God Is still hiding in a corner of your heart Our devotion has yet to reveal.” Bottom line: Do not stop playing These beautiful Love Games. -Hafiz
  16. Let me introduce you to Donald Trump, circa 2015. That guy has no shot. He insults gold star families, has no coherent plans, jokes about his prowess at sexual assault. No way he can win. Don't underestimate the person who is getting Googled more.
  17. I get Sabres via the nhl package. So that’s easy. Use the app to my AppleTV. Bills come through streaming Sunday Ticket on my AppleTV. I can get this because my house is ineligible for a DirecTV dish. I don’t know how baseball works. I use Hulu but it doesn’t get you the above. Have to order them ala carte.
  18. The darkness of billsChan/PPP once again oozing out into the other boards.
  19. Your trolling in this thread has come to this? You don't like that she opens her arms to the fans and smiles. I am sure you hated when she blew kisses and went up to hug her mom too. It's really warm for all you snowflakes today. Who knew you cared so much about soccer? (Me.)
  20. Meeeeeellllllllltiiiiiiiiiing
  21. FIFY You're melting, snowflake!
  22. Wrong. The biggest fans of this team make up the 99% and they know the team well. There are always some people joining the party late for world cups and olympics and they are welcome. Sorry Canada choked their way out of this one. They are generally pretty good because most of their players attended US colleges.
  23. Our president was in a tweet-battle war with a women's soccer player. Let that sink in, and then get back to me on whose job it is to set a better example. The athlete? Or the leader of the free world?
  24. You obviously don't watch a lot of soccer. She missed the ball studs up contact in the box. Very easy replAy decision, and that's why the ref made the call so fast. From her view at the center of the field, she couldn't see the contact. Replay showed the foul perfectly. The US couldn't make a ton of space in the Dutch defense in the first half but the second half showed they had no more gas, as happens with so many teams the US plays. Kreiger was an unfortunate waste of a sub but it didn't matter--US could have scored 4-5 goals in the second. Good day for America: Warm day for Snowflake in Winslow.
  25. Anyone can buy a publication there. Like Forbes.com. I’ve defended Graham before many times. But not this time. I’m not listening. Terrible judgment.
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