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Everything posted by BeginnersMind

  1. She and the squad are on Trump's payroll. They are doing more for his reelection than anyone.
  2. Trump said their countries were corrupt, inept, catastrophes and in doing so, he was referring to America. And when he told them to "go back" there, he was telling them to go back to America. And though this language has a long history of association with race, in Trump's case, he was telling them to go back to their "country of origin," in this case, America. QEDumb. Not a strong position kemosabe.
  3. Mostly true. I’d vote for Trump over half the Dem field including several of the current front runners. I’d vote 3rd party instead of either person for some Dem candidates (Maybe Biden in this group), and vote D for maybe just a few who have little chance (the moderates who barely register).
  4. No I’m jrober. And I followed DR here from another board as a member of a Deep State business where I get paid when people respond to me. When someone says something, believe them.
  5. Uh yeah he did. He said it in the Tweet. And then confirmed it in the tweet jrob quoted above. I’m sure you’ll think of a new justification now though.
  6. Is that what happened here? Did Trump tell 4 Norwegians to go back to Norway? Keep trying.
  7. Telling the black American who cut you off in traffic to "***** off" is a lot different than saying "go back to your country." Everything is not racist. Saying anything negative is not racist. It's not really that hard of a line to see, except for maybe really old people. Saying "go back to your own country" to a black American in a workplace will (1) get you fired, or at a minimum least (2) require an apology.
  8. And if I said to my AMERICAN black coworker that she should go back to her catastrophic, corrupt, and and broken country?
  9. And if I said to my American black coworker that she should go back to her catastrophic, corrupt, and and broken country? "Love it or leave it" rubs me the wrong way, especially in how it was used post-Vietnam. I like to think of the American tent as big enough to encompass diverse points of view, including racists and non-, and peace-lovers and hawks, and religious and atheists. But "love it or leave it," as you say, is not racist. Nice that we can say shithole in the filter.
  10. He didn't say to them that they could "love it or leave it," which would have been the wrong message from all of our president, but par for the course for his lack of leadership in trying to unite us (and no, he's not dancing by himself in this dance...just in the spotlight in this conversation). He more or less has Tweeted "love it or leave it" before at his opponents including today, by the way. But that's not what he said to "the squad" (god I hate that new word). He said they came from--my words from Trump in other contexts--"s---hole" countries and they should "go back" to them. This was to Americans, 3 born in America and one naturalized. If I said "go home" to your shithole "country" to a black coworker, I would 100% rightfully be fired within minutes. End of story. Why? Because what I said was racist. I hear that you don't see that as racist. Many (and maybe most Americans but I won't dicker on that) disagree with you, and even if we disagree on that point, maybe we can disagree on this: The leader of the free world should not have said it. What Pelosi said was just as bad. Truly awful.
  11. You can keep saying it, and yet I'll keep attacking the socialists as a bigger threat to America than anything Trump has done that I disagree with.
  12. Pelosi deserves the same treatment as Trump (for a different reason) for her "Make America white again" insult. Totally inappropriate. The "squad" deserves even more criticism. But a racist trope, from the president, is too far and he got the right rebuke he earned. See the pox on both their houses.
  13. Rubber-glue argument fallacy. Both can be wrong.
  14. I think Hopper is done. They have too many characters and need to thin the herd. Uma Thurman’s kid was a good new character. The thread I hope hope they pull more next season involves all the other number kids.
  15. Yeah that guy was not doing much more than just mimicking Arnold Terminator.
  16. To the conspiracy true believers, sometimes I do, but not always. I contribute substantively as often as I feel like. As do you. You want me to repeat what others have already said and what I’ve said? That would not add a lot. Plenz has mostly said what I would say. Trump made a racist remark. You disagree. Discussion about the same ensued. Someone called me personally a racist. That’s escalation from a guy I have met. I’m uncomfortable even discussing it like this but do it because I see it as symptomatic of the mess of this place. People aren’t acting like they would in person. Have a beer? No and mockery. Tailgate? No and mockery. Get personal if that’s the way you like it. I won’t.
  17. The guy who called me a racist has met me and my family multiple times. That's a word maybe you toss around lightly. I do not and I don't toss it around here often either, even when that nutjob was fantasizing about killing muslims. I would think that if you're going to call someone that, you wouldn't do it on a message board. But that's my standard, not apparently his. I'm happy that you and him have a cheering section for that kind of behavior. Good that you all have each other. Hug it out boys.
  18. Good luck. I can applaud Trump’s many good accomplishments. But you won’t find the billsChan crew attacking him when he goes wrong. Except for the worst they can say, “That’s just Trump being Trump” and “But Hillary...” Objective discussion is not what happens here. Or discussion at all. It’s mostly just grabassery in the (99%) boys lockerroom. Some called me a racist today. That’s someone who I would have thought was above personal attacks. billsChan/PPP bringing out the best in the Buffalo fanbase. Congrats.
  19. I didn't call you a racist. That's pretty sh---y. Guess it's all acceptable on billsChan.
  20. Battling against socialist ideology is different than calling out the racist statements by an old white guy. One is a much bigger deal. The Dems are engrossed in socialist rhetoric right now and it’s a big problem for America. I could probably vote for 2 Dem candidates right now, at most, and they should want my vote. Guys like you will vote for any of them. What will Hedges do now? I posted twice in the same minute. Archive the evidence!
  21. No he told 4 Americans to go back to their home country. Weaving and dodging. It’s OK to like a guy who makes racist statements buddy. Just don’t defend it as inaccurate and inarticulate. Uncle Donald let loose one of his racist remarks. It happens.
  22. For once we agree. But now we don’t again. Phew. I wish the Dems would follow Trump’s advice and export the AOC arm including Bernie and Warren back to their home country of Socialist-stan.
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