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clumping platelets

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Posts posted by clumping platelets

  1. The $5.4 million is money already paid to Dockery when he got a $8.1 million signing bonus in 2007. That's the dead cap. His cap number was $5.85 million. Subtract the $5.4 million and you get his cap savings of $450,000


    Bills save $4.5 million in "cash to cap" in 2009 and that, along with money to be paid to Dockery in future years, is what helps overall

  2. Howdy y'all..........just letting you know that my cap page will be up very soon


    I present;y have the Bills slightly more than $22 million under an "unadjusted" salary cap of $123 million and slightly less than $35 million "cash to cap" with 50 players signed.


    Still waiting for the cap adjustment which the Buffalo News reported as a cap credit of nearly $10 million. This would add $10 million to the available cap space and cash to cap. Also waiting for tenders to RFA & EFA.


    I'll make sure a link is posted here <_<

  3. Listen dude, when you telegraph the run like Dick Jauron did by having Shouman, McIntyre, Royal and Fine out there you make it easy for the Browns to defend against the run. The Bills should have came out in a singleback three wide formation, that would've kept the Browns guessing. Therefore increasing our chances at breaking a long run or at the very least a ten yarder.



    I agree totally. 2 TE offense and a FB on all 3 plays. All this does is tell the Browns "we are running the ball" so go ahead and put 9 in the box :thumbdown:

  4. http://www.billszone.com/fanzone/showthread.php?t=165424


    My friend is Eb (Ebenezer)


    My response in the above thread


    Eb and I got to Gate 1 at about 7:50pm. I finally made it to my seat with 10 mins left in the 1st Qtr after first trying Gate 2 and then finally going to Gate 3. I do not know what time it was but I told Frank, "let's go to another gate". It was so packed and people coming up the stairs behind us kept pushing that I then told him to "go with the flow" and the was to the left. I got pushed up against that metal fence. It was at this time that a single security guard came out and was trying to remove the 4 section metal fence/partition that to the best of my recollection has never been in place before. Mind you, each section of this fence was about 8 ft and linked to each other. It was also supported at the bottom by metal spikes in the ground. I was trying to help him, along with 2 or 3 others, to remove the fence. At some point, the security guard just abandoned that when people kept pushing towards the gate and he disappeared. They finally closed the gate and few people noticed it. I started yelling at people to go to other gates as I left to go to Gate 2 which was about 100 ft away. Unfortunately, everyone from Gate 1 went to gate 2 and tried to cut in front of everyone already at that Gate and again the same problem started happening. I then got over to gate 3. Once I got into Gate 3, I told a police officer what was going on and he just looked at me with a "donut eating" smile. I wanted to end his existence. It was like the situation just amused him. I wish I had his name


    After action: Traffic through Gate 1 was non-existent. I suspect only about 15-20 people per minute were getting through. When you have about 1000 people and growing, that's a major problem. Eb said only 2 or 3 screeners were there. Normally on game day (Sunday 1pm), they have 5-7. The metal partition was in place to have women go to the left of it and men to the right. Normally, there are 2 lines for women and 4 or 5 for men and it is a straight line into the gate. Once I got to Gates 2 & 3, it was normal set up. There clearly was a problem that incompetence of the security staff couldn't handle. No communication. Couldn't they just get on a radio and get more help? Couldn't they use a bullhorn to direct traffic and get people to stop pushing? How about using a bullhorn to tell people in the back to go to another Gate? How about just leaving traffic on a normal pattern like Sunday 1pm games? How many more questions can be asked? endless


    I'm working on a letter to the Bills organization but we all know that it will go nowhere.....but there are other means of getting attention.


    My final analysis, the director of security should be fired. Kiss Ass in charge Russ Brandon should be required to explain the incompetence of this security plan. BTW: I've had riot and crowd control training so I fully understand what the problem was and that was a violation of a basic tenet........communication. There was NONE



    Nothing on the news that I've seen

  5. If you used the link to TM in the reminder e-mail, that link took you to buying Blue Jays tickets and passwords didn't work. The correct link was in the original e-mail. Bills ticket office rec'd a LOT of calls complaining about passwords not working. Argos season ticket holders could buy tickets starting the 14th and bought up all the cheap seats. That, of course, left the more expensive tickets for the TRUE supporters of the Bills



    No, I didn't buy tickets because I'm not shelling out $1,650-$1,770 for 2 tickets each to 3 games

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