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clumping platelets

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Everything posted by clumping platelets

  1. I work in a hospital and if I knew I couldn't tell y'all without violation of HIPPA and losing my job
  2. I rec'd a PM recently. Bill from NYC asks: Do you know how much it would cost/save to cut him before and after 6/1? Well Bill I'll do my best I'm assuming that you mean 2006 season, thus I will base the numbers on his 2 years remaining. I do not GUARANTEE absolute accuracy in the numbers. Only the NFL, Bills, and NFLPA can. 2006 Salary: $4 million Roster bonus: $3 million Amortized bonus: $3,453,333 "Deion" debit: $360,431 (add all 4) Cap hit: $10,813,764 2007 Salary: $5 million Amortized bonus: $3,453,333 "Deion" credit: ($1,081,293) (add 1st 2 and subtract credit) Cap hit: $7,372,040 Timing is everything. It depends on when the roster bonus is due. In 2005, his $3 million roster bonus was due July 1 (or thereabouts) and it was "guaranteed". That is, converted to signing bonus and spread out over 2005-2007 at $1 million/yr. It saved $2 million on 2005 cap, but added $1 million to each of 2006 & 2007. (I do not know if this conversion added to his "Deion" charges) A few scenarios exist, I will focus on the more obvious Scenario 1: Release before roster bonus due whatever date but before 6/1: I would assume Bills decide not to pay roster bonus and release him. The cap savings are: Cap hit - remaining amortization = cap savings $10,813,764 - (2 X $3,453,333) = $3,907,098 in 2006 $7,372,040 on 2007 This scenario holds true for a trade as well as long as the Bills do not pay roster bonus Scenario 2: Release after 6/1 and do not pay roster bonus: Cap hit - 2005 amortization = cap savings $10,813,764 - $3,453,333 = $7,360,431 However, he would still count $3,453,333 on 2007 cap NOTE Big Mike still has some sizable NLTBE's & LTBE's that can also impact the 2006 & 2007 caps but through the cap adjustment. I will not even try Realistically, Big Mike is here to stay and the Bills are likely to work out an extension with him. They may be waiting for the CBA extension which will define new rules on bonus amortization. Starting in 2006, signing bonuses can only be spread out 2006-2009 (4 yrs) without new CBA.
  3. Yes, projected....this is an approx. number. based on my recollection.
  4. So THAT'S what all the ruckus was....I sit in Sec 331 Row 2 and didn't know what everyone was looking at....I kinda thought it was Thurman
  5. Bills saved approx. $7 million on 2006 cap
  6. Mike Williams cannot be traded because the Bills would need millions of 2005 cap space to accomodate his bonus acceleration
  7. I can have that number shortly
  8. Glad things are OK CBB
  9. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my first post........I'm just deeply affected by what I've seen and it really angers me that more wasn't done sooner. I hate incompetance regardless of political affliation
  10. If I can find a link.....New Orleans newspaper article laid out this scenario of a Cat 4/5 hurricane. It was from a few yrs ago and it's seemingly very prophetic......FEMA director said a couple of days ago that New Orleans was a priority w.r.t disaster planning.
  11. My prayers for your safety :pray:
  12. Five years after discovering they had suicide terrorism within their borders, Americans are now being introduced to the notion of having their own "refugees", too. Tens of thousands of them are being bussed to neighbouring states from the city's convention and sports centres, where they have been sleeping for days. The state of Texas has announced that it will accept 23,000 refugees in Houston's Astrodome. An unsettling - and internationally embarrassing - aspect of this mass movement is the discovery that almost all the unfortunates stranded in New Orleans are black. Most Americans consider defacto segregation a fading reality.They may be right. But the TV footage challenges that view, to put it mildly. Under the weight of homeless migrants from New Orleans, the previously sleepy state capital of Baton Rouge hasbecome the largest city in Louisiana, like some Middle Eastern border city that people pour into in search of asylum. A staunch conservative editorialist, Christopher Caldwell (of the Weekly Standard) 9/2/05 This is part of my justification of my first post. This is being broadcast around the world and doesn't make look good in the eyes of the world. We can move the 82nd Airborne to a warzone is less time than it took to begin real relief to those in New Orleans...it's sad and embarassing BTW: I'm a veteran of the US Army and was stationed in Louisiana at Ft. Polk for a few years
  13. BTW: I'm also not impressed with the local authorities who waited far too long to order the mandatory evacuation
  14. I am not being sarcastic.....I'm being 100% honest. I truly wonder how BushCo would have handled this if the year was 2004 I noticed the cheesy photo ops yesterday. People say that Gov. Blanco didn't request help from the Feds/FEMA...read this Letter to Bush (pdf file) It's deplorable to me that anyone wants to absolve BushCo of blame. His FEMA director is a political hack who was appointed with no emergency management experience and it clearly shows. Bush is no leader. The day after the hurricane hit, he's off "strumming a geetar" His a$$ should have been in DC before the hurricane hit. I'm not impressed by the response.....more could have been done sooner.
  15. Katrina 2005: not an election yr, gross incompetance from BushCo on down the chain, Bush won Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, majority of those lost were African-American and poor Hurricanes in Florida 2004: Brothers's the Gov, Election yr, swing state, response was much, much better Discuss
  16. This is clear evidence of price gouging.....report to your state's Attorney General. No way they should raise gas prices for gas they already paid for by a dime a gallon. It takes days for shortages to affect prices
  17. 2007 is the uncapped year At this point, it is unlikely that the cap will skyrocket in 2006. Maybe once a new CBA is agreed to, they will change the formula and what constitutes DGRs. If money from luxury boxes & club seating is included in the calculation, then it is likely that the unadjusted cap will go up more than it has (approx. 5%) each yr I believe a deal gets done. As long as TD's opening offer is a fair starting point, I think things will work out.
  18. If it's 0400 Friday morning.....I'm at Millard Suburban and we cannot see any stars let alone any meteors If it's supoosed to happen 0400 Saturday morning, maybe I'll check it out on my night off
  19. I use names associated with my profession: Medical Technologist <-----Clumping Platelets I've also used Hairy Cells Cryoglobulins Cryoprecipitates
  20. I better go re-check my cap page
  21. 335 + 10% = 367.5 That's more accurate
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