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Everything posted by nmas3

  1. What the hell is wrong with Lindell, he costs us the game today!!!!!!
  2. Do you make it for every home game?
  3. I was thinking that as well. I went to the Jets game and bought my tickets on Stubhub and paid 100 dollars with a face value of 70.
  4. Yeah I was thinking about 2 or 3 games a year. I was thinking I would go Sept through Oct maybe first part of November.
  5. Okay I live in VA and I am thinking about getting season tickets next year. Now I will not be able to make it to all games because of the distance about 10 hours. I have family in Albany that I could probably sell the tickets to when I dont go. I guess my question to season ticket holders, how far do you drive to get to the games? And am I crazy for wanting to buy tickets when I am so far away? Any input would be helpful.
  6. I dont think the issue is Edwards. I think there a couple of issues one is the play calling. To me only giving Lynch 14 carries a game is an issue, he actually looked like he started to get into a zone at one point then it was nothing but passing. I also think they need to bring more pressure with the LB's. Our front 4 just are not getting it done, so I think lets start taking some chances. I think the O line looked better today but we played one hell of a D line today. Anyway there are my 2 cents.
  7. You know before the ball was stripped the line judge was running towards the pile, I thought they blew the play.
  8. One of the problems I had was in the 4th while we were up by 6 we kept throwing the ball and Lynch and Jackson were running all over the place, I would have like to see more running plays!
  9. Does not matter much I think I am going to spend so money in the shop then I am thinking about going to Anchor Bar before I start the drive back.
  10. Thanks for the info, sounds like a plan. I am thinking I am going to stay the night somewhere around there, I really want to go to anchor bar while I am up there. After that I have an 11 hour drive home.
  11. Section 131
  12. I will be at the Jets game in 2 weeks and I was just wondering what parking is like. How much it is, where I should park, etc.. Can anyone help?
  13. This sucks!!!!!!!!I am glad they are playing well but it would be nice to see it.
  14. I have to agree that was a little wierd!!
  15. I live in the Hampton Roads area and the only thing ever on is Redskins or Ravens, it sucks. Thats why Sunday Ticket is the way to go.
  16. I am actually going to be staying in Latham.
  17. Thanks I was not sure how long it would take, I have never driven from Albany to Buffalo.
  18. Well I have only been to 2 Bills games: The infamous Bryan Cox spitting incident and the Redskins/Bills game last year. Both games were great and there were quite a few Bills fans at the Skins game. I have purchased my ticket for the Bills/Jets on Nov 2. I will be sitting in section 131. I really can not wait to go. I will be driving from Va Beach to Albany Friday night, go to my nephews wedding Sat, then drive to the game Sunday morning. I am thinking about leaving between 5 and 6. It will be a long trip but well worth it. After the game I am planning on going to Anchor Bar. I guess my question is if I leave Albany at 5 or 6 will I have enough time to get to the stadium?
  19. You know I thought the same thing, at least we fill the stadium!
  20. AJ Gators on Holland road sets a room aside for Bills fans.
  21. Where are the seats at? Sorry if I missed somewhere.
  22. I live in VA and will be in Buffalo the weekend of 9/24. I want to go to the game but I am not sure what I should do about tickets. Should I wait until July 15th and try to buy them through the ticket office or should I buy through a broker now. Looking at some broker sites tickets are about double what the ticket office will charge. I checked ebay out but all the tickets for sale were in the end zone. Now that is my other dilemma where should I sit? The last time I was at a bills game I sat on the Visitors sideline of a Dolphins game (the one where Brian Cox was spitting on everyone) and we sat I think in the 200 level at about the 45 yard line. Any recommendation would be appreciated.
  23. I think the Pickett signing is iffy, Indy's D looked real good last year (until the playoffs) so most everyone will look good. The Royal signing is just....there really are no words. We need line help bad, I would even be happy if we signed Shelton and Runyan.
  24. the browns sign 2 big name free agent lineman and we have not signed a damn thing except AARP agreement. Damn what the hell is going on. I would love to get Archuletta in here maybe Runyan. WTF????
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