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Everything posted by popcornpam

  1. One blitz keep dropping everybody pathetic
  2. I hope this isn’t how Monday night is going to go for the Bills. LOL
  3. The Dolphins defense is horrible. What happened to Keiko?
  4. Wow I think the Bills could beat the Dolphins
  5. He must have got a hold of some bad edibles!
  6. Any GM could rip up a NFL roster The question is can they find talent and then coach them? Look how many draft picks Cleveland has had over the years.
  7. I live in Houston and I know that they had to bring in Nolan Ryan’s son (Baseball guru)to help clean up the mess and find good players. Hopefully the Bills owners will bring in a “football guru” Because the coach and GM are in over their head.
  8. The coach makes millions of dollars if he can’t stand the heat in the kitchen then get out of being an NFL head coach and go back to being a defensive coordinator. Peterman should’ve been cut weeks ago. They should’ve picked up a qualified back up weeks ago. They seem very negligent towards trying to improve the offense.
  9. And I was six rows behind the bench and I got real worried when Peterman started warming up. Also why didn’t coach Mcd tell him not to throw the ball when the game was tied with a minute 40 left. We could’ve tried to run it and work our way down to the field goal area. Poor coaching!
  10. Turn stile Peterman try to throw it in there as fast as he can. By the way they were a lot of Buffalo fans here today. Too bad it was 92° during the tailgate
  11. I live in Houston. I’m from Western New York Tonight on the local news here they were laughing at Peterman. They really couldn’t believe he threw it right to their DB. I was at the game today. I thought why didn’t they run it. They had a 1 min 40 only needed a field goal. Very poor coaching to let him throw that pass pattern.
  12. Don’t play that soft zone when you attack good things happen
  13. Bills are the turnstile of tha NFL. The owner seem to be clueless. They better bring in a seasoned Football Guru to consult ASAP. A lot of damage has been done
  14. I’m not a troll. I’m from Rochester New York originally. I’m a teacher I tell it like it is !
  15. We are going to be the Cleveland Browns 2017 And I think you’re drinking more than six pack by your answers
  16. McDermitt was horrible in Philly he took over from Jim Johnson and they ran him out of there! That Juan was bad there too. He plays too soft of a zone defense. We never get any pressure on the quarterback.
  17. Remember Denver when Josh McDaniels ruin the team. How long did that last?
  18. He ruined the team! I wonder how the season ticket holder‘s feel!
  19. We need a football “Guru” to put a check on that GM!
  20. Do you think our coaches are watching maybe they can pick up some pointers?
  21. They got rid of their defensive coach. He is coaching in Oakland.
  22. Do you think the owner will bring in a football guru to overrule these “Rookie GM and coach” he has in there?
  23. They didn’t like his scheme in Philly years ago. They were glad when he left and in North Carolina Rivera ran the team. That’s soft zone is horrible any quarterback looks all world. Last year we were lucky we got a lot of turnovers
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