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Everything posted by popcornpam

  1. I guess the third time isn’t the charm!
  2. Chris Jones, you’re not happy come to Buffalo!
  3. I think McDermott was calling all those pushes he was nodding in his headphone. He kept saying it was our best play, not if everybody knows it’s coming. I still think he’s a head case doesn’t really want to win the big game. How many years has this been going on? He always says he wants his defense to win it at the end. He was a wrestler so it seems he wants to do it over and over again. I think he needs to see a sports psych. Unfortunately he’s gonna have to be pushed out the door if he doesn’t straighten up.
  4. Why didn’t we have a spy on Mahomes? We did for a while and then we stopped. What was that all about?
  5. He’s been bad all year what happened to him?
  6. Should’ve taken a time out on third down and plan now it’s fourth down it’s now or never
  7. Why don’t we leave somebody in to block on those runs?
  8. Come on let’s go down and get a touchdown and win
  9. Mickey D is that stupid that he will not put a spy on Mahomes
  10. The refs are cheating us that’s interference in our big draft. Picks aren’t doing anything zero and 86.
  11. Why is McDermott letting them score? He’s trying to have a boat race.
  12. Why are we letting them catch the ball step in front of it?
  13. Why are they leading with their helmet to tackle?
  14. Why don’t we have a spy on him? He always runs to the right
  15. I hope they let Josh air it out. I’m afraid McDermott is gonna stall ball it try to run it all the time. I’m hoping Josh says hell with it. And just take over. Seems like Josh has to pull McDermott over the finish line all the time. Good luck go Bills and win.
  16. I think McDermott was controlling the playcalling, telling him what to call, slow balling.
  17. I was wondering what Bill’s owner was thinking, he wasn’t smiling in the locker room .
  18. Our defense looks like Keystone cops on that line if we lose, I want McDermott fired
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