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Everything posted by OrtonHearsaWho

  1. Last one was very good (unlike that awful remake with friggin Matthew Broderick). I loved the cheesy ones as a kid so my inner nerd really came out a minute ago lol
  2. Unrelated...that Godzilla trailer was pretty sweet.
  3. That's quite a list. I'm surprised that there isn't any love for Isaac Bruce. He was a beast before Kurt Warner and after him. I would have him along with Gonzalez, Bailey, Reed, Lynch and Coryell. I honestly didn't start REALLY following football until the mid 90s so I don't know enough about Atwater, but I know enough of the history of the game to know what Coryell meant to the modern passing game.
  4. Personally I have become a bit enamored with DK potentially being a Bill the more I watch film and read about him. There is no way that he's as fast as Randy Moss but he's very, very fast especially considering his size and build. I think that we could probably trade down and get him depending on what his neck injury is like and what his combine numbers are. Personally I think he will have a Calvin Johnson like combine. He's raw but if he can clean up some of the little things I honestly think that he could be a bigger Julio Jones.
  5. Beat me to it...1st think I thought of when I read this.
  6. Hope he's okay. Think it's okay to put this here as a timely shout out...
  7. I have a man crush on JA but you absolutely have to start Wilson.
  8. Am I reading this wrong? https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/new-england-patriots/josh-gordon-11012/
  9. I heard some of the post game. I'm pretty sure that the very first caller said that it was good to hear Bulldog give Allen credit since all they've been doing was criticizing him all year. Bulldog actually stuck with him longer than I thought he would but eventually hung up. I'm almost positive that 95% of the calls into the postgame have had WAY too much tp drink. Calls shortly after that suggested that we should be using Logan Thomas as QB and another said we should trade McCoy for a 1st round pick this off-season & didn't understand why we couldn't.
  10. Glad I'm not the only that would love to see Gordon in a Bills uni.
  11. I posted this elsewhere already but I would give Josh Gordon a serious look as well. He's an RFA so it would depend on what sort of tender the Pats give him but he's far and away the best FA receiver...not even close.
  12. I honestly don't care about his weight or lack of speed as a result. The effort has been absolutely awful. Bad route on the interception but look at him on Zay's 2nd TD catch...he's jogging and I don't even know if it was the correct route since he ended up righ tnext to Zay.
  13. More balls available to throw to Clay now. Catching them will be another issue entirely.
  14. He actually said that he hates football? I guess that explains it a bit. For what it's worth, he actually does get a lot of dumb callers during post game but it doesn't seem to matter...just about everyone gets the same attitude.
  15. Slightly off topic but it pertains to a 2019 hopeful... The 2019 free agent list is pretty slim but someone that I would love for the Bills to go after (depending on what the compensation would be since he is a restricted free agent) is Josh Gordon. It's unlikely for a number of reasons but he is far and away the best potential WR in free agency.
  16. Mercifully I live in Rochester so I only listen to Schopp during post game on WCMF (I mean could still listen to him in other ways but I don't hate myself enough to do that). I honestly believe that a) he really is not that big of a fan of the Bills and b) he genuinely hates his job. The utter disdain and contempt that he seems to have with seemingly EVERY caller is insane.
  17. Ha! Regardless of whether he is or isn't a Bills fan it seems that the goal is to extinguish optimism. I am a MASSIVE cynic about most things but don't really understand raining on someones parade for no reason. JA is objectively fun to watch play...I think if you want to constantly give a thumbs up emoji as a response then you might need a xanax.
  18. I completely agree. He has definitely improved his ability to not take big hits, plus I think he's just built to withstand a lot more of a hit (every time Tyrod ran I just assumed he would be smashed into 1,000 pieces).
  19. I don't think it would take all that much to set Jerry off after a loss since he gets held CONSTANTLY. I personally like seeing him fired up in the tunnel after a loss...I recall he did it earlier this year after a blowout loss. He has played incredibly well this season & love the fire he has.
  20. Is there a video that shows the entire field during the last play, or at least one that focuses more on Clay? As mentioned here and in another thread, I think the bigger issue with Clay on the last play is that he didn't come back to the ball and/or stumbled when he attempted to do so. It just seemed like the ball was in the air long enough for him to come back to the ball a lot more than he did. If video it exists in another post just let me know.
  21. Genuine question for you - is Josh Allen's accuracy legitimately the only thing that you have to comment about? And if so, are you actually a Bills fan? You seem to revel so deeply in pointing out a missed throw that I have to genuinely ask if you're just a troll for another team. If not and you just genuinely experience happiness from saying the same thing in every post, then good for you I guess. Also...who is Joah?
  22. Right around the 5:30 mark or so,
  23. Using good karma to keep his momentum going...love to see this. This has been such a weird season so far. I was ready to tune out for a while just 4-5 weeks ago and now I'm loving the potential of the team & some of the players we have. Count Foster among them.
  24. I would definitely prefer that too but the free agent pickings are very, very slim at OL and WR.
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