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Everything posted by BillsSbSoon

  1. You have to at least wonder now that if we get humiliated once again and once again by the pats on mnf, if mcd makes it the rest of the year. I dont think that will happen, he will get a 3rd year most likely, but the offense is an absolute disgrace. We can have all the cap space in the world but its not going to matter if hes lost the team and nobody wants to sign here
  2. Waking up to this has me depressed. Its the ej manuel situation all over again. If he is hurt bad, just clean house. Mcdermott bungled this offense from the very beginning.
  3. I didnt think he was as bad as last week,but honestly its not looking good. They will try to build around him in the offseason, but not sure its going to matter. Rosen has not been lights out yet but hes just a naturally better passer. He wins that game yesterday with the way our defense played. We may live to regret that decision for years
  4. No but the d was awesome today. You can only ask for so much when the offense barely gets a first down. Mcd getting frazier to be more aggressive has been huge
  5. Im not giving up on allen quite yet but i wanted rosen badly all throughout the process for months. Im really not sure what they were thinking other than he might be a jerk And btw im fine with my qb being that way. I didnt think allen was that bad today but hes not seeing things early. Rosen was my #1 qb and it wasnt close. We might regret that for years
  6. True but i thought last week he was way worse than today. Thats just imo.
  7. I didnt really think he was that bad this week imo. Had a huge play called back cause the fb wasnt lined up right.
  8. Knowing philly has two second rounders, i would hold firm trying to get one of them. We actually have the leverage here for once. If anyone wants to see this happen, and im not sure i do, root hard for the giants tonight
  9. Who says theyd be one and done? If they get in they could make a run its been done before
  10. Shady in his pc today sounded to me like he wants to go back home. Ive always thought that anyways, and we know he didnt want to leave. Between his and mcdermotts pc's today imo its only a matter of time before it happens
  11. Not sure about that. They might make a move even quicker if they lose tomorrow Nfc east isnt that good right now. 9-7 could win that division
  12. Watching that pc, i came away thinking hes getting traded. I think theyd rather wait a few weeks to see where we are at the deadline, but if the offer is strong enough for them they may not be able to wait long. When you break it down, it makes too much sense to do it but id feel a lot better about it if allen wasnt playing.
  13. Depends on what they are willing to give up. If they are desperate and throw a 2nd out, you have to seriously consider that. Shady is obviously not in the long term plans here. On the other hand we had nothing offensively last week besides him and that has been the case basically his whole time here. If we werent playing allen right now it would probably be a no brainer to pull the trigger. I could see beane wanting to do it but mcdermott not agreeing
  14. That was the play of the game imo. Shady knew it was man coverage and saw him overpursuing, great play
  15. The problem is you cant keep relying on the d to force turnovers. Ive been optimistic with allen, but this game is not a good barometer. I didnt think he was as inaccurate as his wyoming stats showed but today hes really all over the place.
  16. Sadly im not sure allens accuracy will ever be fixed. Most of the time you either have it or you dont, and this game its really rearing its ugly head. Its not good at all.
  17. None of the qbs from that draft turned out to be a franchise qb so it is what it is. We had to take one there or else. I dont really put the shaq lawson pick squarely on whaley either. Imo rex had his hands all over that one
  18. If beane can get anything for either one, i dont think he would care. We traded dareus for a 5th. Hes prolly itching to get that 7th back we gave up for coleman.
  19. He cant rush off the edge, so might as well try to do something different. Still would be light for a 3 tech. Massive bust either way
  20. I feel like this will be shadys last year here. He looked a little slower to me today, i know hes not 100% but the writing is on the wall.
  21. Oh right cause on the play when he threw the pick nobody was on him as soon as the ball was snapped? Horrible throw but cmon
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