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Everything posted by BillsSbSoon

  1. This is a game where if it were at home we would be winning, maybe blowing them out. Its looking worse because of the ridiculous turnovers and being the first game
  2. When you see him without pads on its really evident too He does not look like a tackle at all.
  3. This is clearly a playoff caliber team if the offense can score some ***** points wow
  4. Wow. Im ready run to run through a wall right now
  5. Dont forget about milano especially if he balls out this year. One year left on rookie deal. He could be the first one extended actually
  6. Its an incredibly asinine trade for them to make but its also miami so its come to be expected. Makes no sense for a rebuilding team to make that move.
  7. The only thing about that is i was a little worried that we are showing too much between the two of them right now. Other teams are going to know cole is the guy hes looking for, but at the same time its then going to open things up for everybody else
  8. I still doubt it happens, but clowney makes this defense ridiculous. Ty being held out is awfully suspicious though
  9. Olivers strength and quickness off the ball is crazy. We very well may have the best defense in the league this year. And were young, its pretty scary how good they can be.
  10. Before last season i would guess maybe a 4th. Philly wouldve been the obvious taker
  11. If they were going to trade him it wouldve been last year. They want to see how it looks with a better line in front of him. After this year hes most likely gone
  12. yeah the trade shady stuff needs to stop. Hes on the last year of his deal and they are going to play it out with gore. Only way i see them trading him is if the season goes completely south by the deadline
  13. Yeldon would be the obvious trade chip here. Could depend on how comfortable they feel about singletary right now
  14. Yeah pretty much. I like my qb to be a gunslinger. Not too reckless though. I imagine it must be hard for josh to find that balance, which is what hes trying to do right now
  15. Im willing to live with it. You dont want him to go too far the other way and get too cautious either
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