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Everything posted by BillsSbSoon

  1. Knew Robbie was going to get traded. Floated his name on here a few days ago. Contract wouldntve worked though
  2. At a loss for words. That is unfathomable that they messed that up again with even a second less than last time. McDermott should be absolutely grilled after this
  3. Get mck out of here today dude is single handedly blowing the game
  4. Even though that system plucks rb’s out of nowhere, cmc and the 9ers make sense and he would go back closer to home. Would take some pressure off of Garoppolo even though Wilson has been playing well there. If he goes to the bucs that would be devastating with Brady. Doubt they trade him within the division. They’re prolly thinking afc. People are gonna lose it here if he goes to Miami or kc
  5. I agree. But wouldn’t put it past them to get desperate . They don’t really have the picks though
  6. Was thinking dolphins as a possibility too. Tampa bay if they wanna go all in with Brady’s last year. Do you run the risk of those teams getting him if you’re beane?
  7. I don’t think beane is going to overpay it’s that simple. He didn’t do it for von and don’t see him doing it for cmc. If we can get him for a reasonable price it might happen. Gotta remember Dan Morgan is in that front office now. Do you also run the risk of the chiefs getting him? The game tomorrow might give a big answer to both sides
  8. Yeah but you’re potentially disrupting team chemistry in doing so. If we ended up with cmc ok great but singletary is pretty durable which cmc hasn’t been. I just don’t see devin being moved in season at all.
  9. I don’t see devin being traded. Josh loves him and he would prolly be pretty po’ed if that happened.
  10. Carolina isn’t going to just give him away though. Would you give up multiple assets for a guy to cut him in the off-season?
  11. It isnt. Just was saying can’t assume a guy will be back the week after a mild concussion anymore
  12. Tua wrecked it for everybody cause now everyone’s going to be even more cautious
  13. Atrocious? What games have you been watching?
  14. Wonder if someone like Robbie Anderson could be a possibility. Just spitballing names here
  15. He makes plays in preseason. He makes a lot of contested catches that look good but it’s because he’s not getting separation. I’m not saying we can’t call him up and give him a shot but there’s reasons why he’s hasn’t been active
  16. Yeah idk about that. Hodgins has trouble separating that’s why he’s on the practice squad every year
  17. I’m of the belief to defer 100% of the time when winning the toss. I don’t care how many times we’ve scored in a row on the 1st drive. I think that was one of the only times Sean has ever taken the ball and I hope that’s not a trend. I want the ball after half.
  18. They showed the trainer talking to him on the sideline. He took a shot right when he caught that second pick. We need to catch a break with these injuries
  19. The pundits are going to have a field day with this one if we lose another close game. Unreal
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