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Everything posted by BillsSbSoon

  1. Ok? We’re going to be at home in a rematch of a game we should’ve won the first time. Our defense is no slouch either and guys are getting healthier
  2. Miami finally played a defense and got bullied with a 3rd string qb. Can’t wait to see them in two weeks
  3. And once again the afc might be coming through buffalo let’s goooo
  4. Ridiculous that Phillips got hurt on that stupid play when the game was over
  5. Infuriating. This game isn’t even close and we still can’t get out of our own way
  6. Dude you’re a clown. You’re seriously trying to argue about this at halftime of a game we’re winning. Yes I said WE’RE. Gtfoh
  7. Back to the check down there ya go josh. We will take it all night if that’s what you want
  8. Belichick is going to make him be patient all night. Josh has just gotta stay with it. It’s going to be a mental game
  9. You think maybe they saw the swelling hadn’t gone down as much as they’d hoped?
  10. Deep down I know you’re right. It’s just that we’re in a division race with little breathing room now and almost in a must win game tonight
  11. The people that were saying last year was the time to do it and we blew it might be right. Each week it feels like that was a bigger and bigger missed opportunity. Can we win tonight yeah of course. Just figures von would get hurt it’s almost comical how it always seems to blow up in our face
  12. Guessing that bease coming back is part of this
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