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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. The guy is a loose cannon who has demonstrated very poor judgement. I would never draft him. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2016/4/11/11406540/josh-rosen-donald-trump-golf-course-hat-ucla-quarterback Did you watch the show where Peterman worked with Gruden? Gruden has a man crush on him. Spiller ran scared. He was afraid of getting hit.
  2. Maybe Rosen should gather his facts before he shoots his mouth off. Or just not shoot his mouth off. Why bad mouth Alabama and demean the degrees of two other players? Communications isn't engineering or the hard sciences, but not all students are cut out for that. It's a legitimate degree. Please explain my "selective reading"? And in real fields where you have tangible deliverables and a profit motive, no one cares where you sent to school.
  3. Hopefully, Peterman is a stud and we won't need to draft a QB. I like Peterman a lot as a person. Stand up guy. A lot of kids are in college who don't belong there, not just some athletes.
  4. First off. Clemson is not an "easy school" and secondly, they didn't study sociology.
  5. Well, I guess we will agree to disagree about Mr. Rosen. I just hope we don't draft him.
  6. The university has said that hiring Saban was the best financial move they have ever made. You're right, the football program kicks money back to the university. The campus/facilities at UA are incredible. I am sure that they treat their athletes pretty well. http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2017/08/see_the_univeristy_of_alabamas.html Rosen also called out Clemson demeaning two of their football players who graduated in 3 yrs. Clemson is a fine school too. I guess Rosen has a dim view of any school in the south?
  7. And who is using these results as a measuring stick for the whole university? UA enrolls a lot more low end students than UCLA. No is disputing that, but why is that a bad thing? Keep in mind that Alabama also enrolls a lot of really high end students. 40% of the freshman have >30 ACTs. To suggest that UA is a crappy school is just showing your ignorance.
  8. UA was #1 in enrolling National Merit Scholars in 2011 - 2012. Yeah, bunch of dolts at UA. lol. http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/news/20130206/ua-tops-list-of-freshman-national-merit-scholars
  9. The average ACT score of athletes at UCLA in 2014 was 21.5. 15% were college illiterate. Do you call that high standards? And how does he know what UA's standards are? As far as I know, they don't report SAT/ACT results for athletes. His remarks could be construed as being racist. That would go over real well in the locker room.
  10. Probably true because of bias, not because Vandy isn't a great school.
  11. Why are you glad that he made an ass out of himself?
  12. He called out Alabama and Clemson.because he is an ignorant, spoiled elitist, Not the sort of leader of men you want at QB.
  13. I find this interesting. None of the CEOs of the top 10 Fortune 500 companies have more than a BS/BA degree. 8 graduated from state universities. 2 graduated from SEC schools. 3 have engineering degrees. None went to elite schools. Nary a MBA in the lot. https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/2016-06-27/colleges-where-top-ceos-earned-their-degrees A lot of hype about "top schools" is branding.
  14. The average ACT score for student athletes at UCLA in 2014 was 21.5. That's piss poor given that Rosen is suggesting that UCLA has such high academic standards, Give me a break. Ever hear of locker room fodder? Do you condone this behavior? If you don't like Trump, don't play on his golf course. Simple. https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2016/04/11/uclas-josh-rosen-wears-hat-special-message-donald-trump
  15. "According to several academic experts, the threshold for being college literate is a score of 16 on the ACT, and a 400 on the SAT critical reading, or writing subtest. The university provided 494 separated scores, separated by subject test. They did not break down scores by sport. Of 106 ACT reading and English scores, 15 were below the threshold. Of 388 SAT reading and writing scores, 58 were below the threshold." About 15% of the student athletes at UCLA in 2014 were college illiterate. Nothing to brag about. http://www.cnn.com/.../2014/01/us/college-scores/index.html Rosen is detached from reality. Too much soaking in the hot tub in his dorm room?
  16. So now Rosen is an expert on the academic quality of The University of Alabama? His comments were nonsensical. The guy is a douche and likely a cancer in the locker room.
  17. Because he is a spoiled, elitist, rich kid prima donna?
  18. My son had a lot more opportunities at UA than he would have had at the public Ivy's and he got his BS/MS in 4 yrs with no debt (in fact, he graduated with substantial savings from top internships). I have nothing but good things to say about UA. it served us well. It's a top 50 public according to US News (whatever that means).
  19. The ratio of out-of-state to in-state students is 60:40. UA is attracting top students from all over the country. We aren't from Alabama and my son was accepted at two public Ivy's. He met his objective of getting into a top software company in CA and we saved $100K. Roll Tide!
  20. The dim wit trolled AJ McCarron. Good riddance.
  21. We are 0 - 3 in recent years with CA QB's and it will be 0 - 4 if we draft this ass clown. Can Rosen explain why Stanford has a much better team than UCLA while Stanford is a far superior school academically? With UCLA's much lower admission standards, UCLA should be crushing them. Alabama has good academics. This guy is clueless. It's not as if the athletes at UCLA are all rocket scientists. Average ACT is 21.5. 15% are illiterate. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/01/us/college-scores/index.html The guy has no class. If you don't like Trump, don't play on his golf course.https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2016/4/11/11406540/josh-rosen-donald-trump-golf-course-hat-ucla-quarterback The dude has a hot tub in his dorm room. What a flake. CA QBs are generally wusses. Seems like this idiot is no exception. https://lockerdome.com/bustedcoverage/8145164120228628 He is complaining that you can't be a student-athlete. I knew a football player at Syracuse who was a ChemE major and had a 3.7 GPA. Maybe he should spend less time in the hot tub and more time in the books.
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