Oh, really?
UA has one of the best accounting programs in the country.
Ranked 7th best undergrad and Ph.D. Accounting program in the nation by the 2017 Public Accounting Report, Masters is ranked 8th.
Rosen is a whiny cry baby.
Barrett Jones was one of the top offensive linemen in college football and he managed to get a BS and MS degrees in accounting in 4 yrs and had a 4.0 GPA as an undergrad.
McCarron won back to back national championships and played in front of 102,000 rabid fans at Alabama. He played for the best and most demanding coach in college football. He fought to get out of Cincinnati because he wanted the opportunity to start.
He’s having meeting with the Lions and Steelers and others. Retweeted about Kelly’s surgery. A sign?
Good insight into the process.
Bengals rejected a second round pick for AJ.
He wanted the opportunity to start which limited his options.
I’m not there yet, but it will happen eventually, God willing.:) Bryant-Denny Stadium is fantastic. Great place to watch a game. Seats 102,000 people and it’s a first rate facility. I try to go to a game or two a year.