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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. No stretching is required for a 5x improvement in performance.
  2. Also comeback player of the year in 1998.
  3. Flutie was 8 - 3 in 1998 and Johnson was 2 - 3. Flutie made the Pro-Bowl that year. Flutie was 10 - 5 in 1999. Flutie was 4 - 1 in 2000, Johnson was 4 - 7. In 2001, Johnson was 3 - 13.
  4. Flutie had a 70% winning percentage record with Buffalo. By comparison, Aaron Rodgers' winning percentage with GB is 66.7%. The problem is the Bills way over committed to RJ and were stuck with him even though he stunk. When they turned overt he reins to him in 2001 he went 3 - 13. After that he was gone.
  5. He was a back up in Jacksonville for 3 yrs before he went to Buffalo. The Bills traded a 1 and a 4 for him on the basis of one successful start. He was a 4thcrd draft pick. He had a 34% winning percentage with Buffalo and led the league in sacks to dropback ratio.
  6. 1 win in 2000 to 5 wins in 2001. Nice improvement.
  7. Good article about Nick Saban in Fortune. https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2018/04/23/nick-saban-coach-university-of-alabama-football
  8. Robbery Johnson was living the high life with the money he fleeced from Buffalo. https://www.si.com/vault/2001/08/06/8117466/calm-before-the-storm-with-doug-flutie-out-of-the-picture-the-laidback-rob-johnson-will-have-to-produce-bigtime-in-buffaloor-feel-the-heat
  9. They signed Flutie before Johnson to the best of my recollection.
  10. They traded a 1 and a 4 for him and gave him a $25M contract, so I would say yeah.
  11. Number 1 in recruiting rankings! https://247sports.com/college/alabama/Bolt/Alabama-Crimson-Tide-Football-Recruiting-Alabama-retakes-No-1-spot-in-recruiting-rankings--117587481
  12. A 70% winning percentage is hardly mediocre.
  13. Flutie threw for 360 yards and ran for 29 yards, but it was a bad game all around that they should have won.
  14. Flutie had a 70% winning percentage and Johnson had a 34.5% winning percentage. Flutie was 8 - 3 in 1998 and Johnson was 2 - 3. Flutie made the Pro-Bowl that year. Flutie was 10 - 5 in 1999. Flutie was 4 - 1 in 2000, Johnson was 4 - 7. Flutie was released after the 2000 season and the Bills went 3 - 13 in 2001.
  15. $25 million contract for a 4th rd draft pick who had one successful start in 3 seasons. Plus we gave up a 1st and a 4th rd pick for him.
  16. Staging heroic 4th quarter comebacks in combination with his autistic son was all part of Flutie's grand conspiracy to screw Johnson. Ingenious.
  17. Rob Johnson career ended in 2003 at the age of 30. Flutie played until 2005 at the age of 43.
  18. Not only did Johnson have an abysmal 34.5% winning percentage, he had the highest drop back to sack ratio in the NFL. The article shows that he has no self-awareness of just how bad he was. If he thinks he really though that he lost his starting job because of Flutie’s autistic son, he’s delusional.
  19. I think you are projecting your bias on to me. Pretty sad to blame your failure on an autistic kid.
  20. A 34.5% winning percentage is awful. Having the highest sack to drop back ratio in the NFL is awful. Did you ever see him play?
  21. Hope he slides past the Bills. He’s not ready physically or mentally for the NFL. He’s going to be a train wreck.
  22. The fact that I completely disagree with your assessment doesn’t mean I am biased. The facts argue against your unsupported assertions. Again, where Johnson’s mother was from or whether Flutie was a bad guy is completely irrelevant to the discussion about who was the superior QB.
  23. You said that I am biased. How so?
  24. I don’t care where Johnson’s mother was born in Hamburg or that Flutie was allegedly a bad guy. The objective fact was that Flutie had a 70% winnning percentage with Buffalo and Johnson had a 34.5% winning percentage.
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