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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. The grievance industry provides a very good living for some people.
  2. The flag is a symbol. We don't stand for the flag, per se, but what it represents.
  3. The flag is an important symbol. Using it as a focal point for protest just serves to alienate people. Disrespecting a symbol that many hold sacred doesn’t seem like a good way to gain sympathy for your cause.
  4. Many do which is why it is a contentious issue.
  5. Of course we should have the right to disrespect the flag, our national symbol, and everything it represents. Whether it’s right or proper and whether it is the correct way to protest social injustice is another matter.
  6. Not standing for the flag is disrespectful to: 1. Those that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. 2. The celebration of what unites as a people. 3. Our democratic tradition. 4. Our salute of the principle of justice. 5. Future generations who we should be setting an example for.
  7. I think you should make your case based on reason and logic rather than on an emotional appeal evoking “white supremecists”. Why do you Americans have been standing for the flag since June 14, 1777?
  8. False syllogism. Standing doesn’t equal patriotism.
  9. 4 straight championships - in robotics. Roll Tide! http://alabamanewscenter.com/2018/05/27/university-of-alabama-wins-fourth-straight-championship-in-robotics/
  10. If that fails, use rhyming words? Reflect the success?
  11. Shaq said that he reshaped his body and is down to 17% body fat and is shooting for 15%. I'm surprised that it's that high. Is that normal? When I was really fit I was down to 9%. I think Bruce was single digit too.
  12. Am I in the wrong forum? Is this really TBD? There is way too much positivity here.
  13. I don’t have any problems with biblical references when they are appropriate. The Bible has a lot to say about judging others.
  14. You can raise questions on anyone if that's your aim. Some people raised questions about Jesus.
  15. The poor decisions I am aware of (smoking pot, getting involved with the wrong woman, getting into an argument with a guy at a hospital), isn't proof to me that he has a bad character. I don't know the guy and I try not to judge a book by it's cover. My life experience has taught me that's a bad idea.
  16. Nah, that's an old wive's tale. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/21/health/eggs-heart-disease-study/index.html What I would avoid is statin drugs.
  17. Too bad because eggs are a tremendous source of protein.
  18. Agreed. He made poor decisions, but we can't conclude from them that he has a poor character, imo.
  19. I don't know that is she is 100% honest, but we know that the injuries she suffered were from a fight with one or more women, and not caused by Foster. There is video evidence to prove it. The court is not solely relying on her word. After a through investigation and court proceedings, the charges against Foster were dropped. You should fold up the tent.
  20. Foster doesn't have any history of domestic violence that I am aware of/ What is questionable about his character?
  21. The alleged victim provided a video to law enforcement that shows she sustained her injuries in a fight with at least one other woman and perhaps two. The video supports her testimony. You seem to have something against Foster that is blinding you from reality.
  22. There was a video showing that she sustained her injuries in a fight with another woman. I guess you haven't followed the case very carefully. The charges were dropped after a thorough investigation and a court hearing. Time to end the witch hunt, my friend.
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