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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. I'm really not sure on what basis you say that. I could go on and on: Alabama Football Wins 2017 AFCA Academic Achievement Award. https://rolltide.com/news/2017/12/6/alabama-football-shares-2017-afca-academic-achievement-award.aspx?path=football
  2. I guess you missed this. Play Division 1 football and get a great education at these 10 schools Alabama is #5 on the list. http://college.usatoday.com/2017/07/07/best-colleges-football/ 30%? Are you drawing numbers out of a hat? Alabama's graduation rate for football players is 84%. I believe that it's 100% after 7 years. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2017/12/04/study-graduation-rate-for-bowl-bound-football-players-is-up/108298402/
  3. Only about 2% of NCAA football players get drafted. Athletes need to be made aware of that and it needs to be hammered home. If you go to college with the sole intent of making it to the NFL, you are an idiot. Many top football programs, including Alabama, have high graduation rates. http://college.usatoday.com/2017/07/07/best-colleges-football/
  4. Eliminating college sports doesn't serve anyone's interests, so it will never happen.
  5. Where is the money going to come from?
  6. The limit on Federal Loans is $31,000 - no more than $23,000 of this may be subsidized. Beyond that, parents have to co-sign. Have you checked the price of college lately? $23,000 will barely cover the cost of 1 year at a SUNY school. Not everyone is very rich, or very poor, a lot of us are in the middle. Community college is a good route for a lot of students, including high achievers.
  7. I think that your model may be skewed. It seems overly generous.
  8. I don’t know what the breakdown is, but I’m sure the vast majority of scholarships are for academics. Alabama’s scholarships are guaranteed based on merit (GPA/ACT/SAT) and are very generous, which is why they have been able to attract high end students from across the country. The university enrolls more out-of-state students then in-state students.
  9. What does your proprietary data base say about the average IQ on this forum?
  10. I’ll agree with your last sentence.
  11. 90%? Haha. What a load of crap. How did you arrive at that number?
  12. That’s quite a display of ignorance. Congrats!
  13. And you are against athletic scholarships because??? The University of Alabama gives athletic scharships AND generous guaranteed merit based academic scholarships (independent of financial need) to top students. https://scholarships.ua.edu/types/ Atheletic scholarships and academic scholarships aren’t mutually exclusive.
  14. You are aware that it’s possible to be an athlete and to also be intelligent, right? My boss ran track in college. He was near world class and won a major marathon. He also has a PhD in ChemE.
  15. Let’s make them debt slaves. Good plan. That’s certainly better than the current system.
  16. And what about athletes who want an education and can’t afford college?
  17. Saban is underpaid? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/794275001
  18. $40,000/yr is about the average cost of tuition at a private college. Tack on room and board which is another $12,000/yr or so. Tuition and room/board at Stanford is $65,000/yr.
  19. College teams can have up to 125 players on the active roster. 60 - 70 is typical. That’s $2M/yr. That’s big money.
  20. HeyJerk, only a small fraction of top tier football programs make money, not to mention those outside of the top tier.
  21. Free tuition and room/board seems like a pretty good deal to me. Not sure what needs to be fixed. https://deadspin.com/josh-rosen-has-a-plan-to-fix-the-ncaa-1827631499/amp
  22. There’s no cure for it. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.
  23. We took Terrel Troupe over Gronk.
  24. 5 National Championships in 9 yrs will make a coach a god at any university. Alabama’s run is unprecedented, and it look like it has legs. The 2018 recruiting class is shaping up to be stellar. My son’s timing was good. He graduated last year after spending 4 years there earning his BS/MS.
  25. You are a god there if you win, and Saban wins.
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