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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. No big drop off when Groy filled in for him. I’m more worried about replacing Richie.
  2. PFF rated him below average for what that’s worth. My impression is that he was steady but not spectacular. Did we really miss much when Groy replaced him?
  3. What does race have do with anything?
  4. Wood was a good guy, but saying he was Pro-Bowl quality is a stretch.
  5. Negative/angry is the general MO here.
  6. Can’t wait to watch Dirty Harry.
  7. I hear he is making good progress on his plan to fix the NCAA.
  8. Looks like Tarzan, hopefully he doesn’t play like Jane.
  9. Or alternatively you can get his butt tattooed on your face.
  10. Snapchat is where it’s at.
  11. Wrapped in a riddle.
  12. “Who brought the cards?”
  13. It would have been better if we had drafted Rosen?
  14. The countdown begins!
  15. QBASE looks like a lot of handwaving to me.
  16. What do the analytics project about a QB that signs on July 25?
  17. If he doesn’t sign with us he might be up a crick.
  18. I think I did go there once, actually, maybe for pizza.
  19. I might be there. I asked my contact if he could get me a ticket.
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