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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. You persist in thinking that US News is the gospel in assessing higher education. Again, if you want to assess the quality of education, look at outcomes. The accomplishments of UA students are numerous. UA educates a diverse range of students with different academic abilities. That’s obvious by looking at the ACT scores. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad school. Rueben Foster earned his degree. Why do you think he’s stupid? Clearly you hold stereotypical views and you aren’t going to give them up easily. Did you ever go to a Bills tailgate and see the stupid, drunken, loutish violent behavior? Say what you will about Alabama, but I have never seen that type of behavior there. If you weren’t biased against Alabama for some reason, you could have just as easily pointed to Greg McElroy, a former QB at UA. He has one of the highest Wonderlic scores on record and was a Rhodes Scholar Finalist. The current center for the football team will be earning his Masters Degree in December and an overwhelming majority of Alabama football players earn their degrees. To suggest that all Alabama football players are stupid is really ignorant.
  2. Kids go to Alabama for a variety of reasons, like any other school. Money is certainly one factor. If you are independently wealthy or you don’t care about incurring student loan debt, I guess you can take money off the table. For most students though, it’s a consideration. I’ve been a Bills’ fan since the OJ days, so I’m not going anywhere. I don’t have any need to talk about the academics at UA, but if someone asks me about it or makes a wise crack, I’ll respond.
  3. I’m here to talk football, but my expertise extends into academics, particularly academics at UA. A lot of folks here seem to have a fascination with UA, serious or otherwise, so I respond to them. If rooting for UA players offends you, put me on ignore. It won’t bother me.
  4. You need to look under the hood and see what metrics US News is using. You can get can get a great education at practically any state flagship university. Most if not all, including Alabama, have honors programs for elite students which create a university within a university. It’s about value too. This kid is going to UA for free and I’m sure he will get into med school. In the meantime he’s saved about a quarter million dollars versus going to an Ivy League school. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/ronald-nelson-turned-down-every-ivy-league-school-for-university-of-alabama-2015-5 25% of the students at Alabama have a 32 or higher ACT, so there are a lot of smart kids there. The average ACT of engineering students is 30. Alabama is also a leader in enrolling National Merit Scholars.
  5. Your mistake is taking the US News rankings seriously. https://www.liberalartscolleges.com/us-news-college-rankings-meaningless/
  6. Is your self-esteem so low that you need to make fun of a major university with more than 35,000 students to feel better about yourself?
  7. Not that there aren’t really smart kids in the state of Alabama, but the majority of students at The University of Alabama are from out of state. Many students from the university volunteer in impovershed areas. The high school graduation rate in the city of Rochester is less than 50% and many cites have same issue. There is a national crisis in education.
  8. It gives me a pretty good idea. What compels you to make ignorant characterizations about a major university and an entire state. I am interested in understanding the pathology.
  9. The 25th percentile ACT is 23 and the 75th percentile is 32. What this means is that The University of Alabama serves a diverse student population. It doesn’t say anything about the quality of the education students receive there. If you want to look at the quality of the education, you need to look at outcomes. UA students consistenly win awards and many attend elite graduate and professional programs. Graduates are well placed in industry and there are Alabama grads leading major corporations.
  10. It’s here are. Not sure what the 4000 number is. So in your mind this proves that every Alabama football player is a moron? Do you have any more compelling evidence?
  11. What do you think I’m saying? Not being able to tie their shoes is a euphemism for being uncoordinated as opposed to being athletic. Your avatar tells me everything I need to know.
  12. I’ve been to 43 of the 50 states. My wife is from France and I’ve travelled exensively in Europe. I have lived in a city with 8.5 million people and I’ve lived in a rural midwestern town with 15,000 people. I have relatives in the north and in the deep south. I have worked with PhDs from MIT, Stanford, Cal Tech, and every other elite school you can think of and I have worked with operators who didn’t graduate from high school. I have worked with elite D1 athletes and folks who can barely tie their shoes. My kids attended a racially mixed inner-city school and one went to a university in the north and one went to a university in the south. I have been around enough that I don’t pigeon hole people.
  13. A well traveled idiot?
  14. It’s mostly folks who are trying to be cute, but not all. My experience with people who hold ridiculous stereotypical views is that they are either malicious and/or ignorant, or they are provincial and lack life experience. Some people have never travelled outside of their small geographical areas or met anyone that is different from them. Consequently they form their views based on distorted images they get from the mass media. I observed this living in a small town in Central WI where there was a very narrow demographic and a lot of people had never ventured outside of the region. Of course some people are just plain stupid.
  15. What exactly had led you to this observation that Alabama football players are morons? Be specific.
  16. It’s hard to believe, but I actually thinks he’s serious.
  17. Well, Foster is on the team until he’s not on the team. For now, he’s on the team.
  18. Okay. https://www.google.com/amp/s/yellowhammernews.com/alabama-football-just-set-a-national-record-that-probably-wont-get-the-attention-it-deserves/amp/ https://rolltide.com/news/2017/12/6/alabama-football-shares-2017-afca-academic-achievement-award.aspx?path=football
  19. Trolling is less effective when your attempted insults contain spelling errors. I would have given you a 7/10, but since you don’t know the difference between “roll” and “role”, I am dropping your trolling rating to 5/10.
  20. It’s Roll Tide, not Role Tide, lol. Uh huh.
  21. A lot of people seem to care about the academics at Alabama. I guess they can’t understand how can a school can be great in football and scholastics. Why are you so triggered by Alabama? I’n enjoying watching Tua. He’s a future NFL star.
  22. Why are you so fascinated with the academics at Alabama on a football site? Weird.
  23. It would have been interesting to see what Foster would have done if Tua had been the QB last year.
  24. There are actually a fair number of students from Buffalo at UA. https://www.ua.edu/news/2018/06/deans-list-students-named-for-ua-spring-2018-semester/
  25. You’re joking right?
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