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Sky Diver

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Everything posted by Sky Diver

  1. What is the “right price”, for someone who is acting erratically and is mentally unstable? From what I can determine, the contract negotiations and the Bills’ low ball offer triggered some sort of mental breakdown. Is his breakdown the Bills’ fault? No, but they should have paid the guy. Just one man’s opinion.
  2. Power and counter. http://grantland.com/the-triangle/2015-nfl-college-football-power-running-counter-running/ We will be a running team.
  3. Hughes is an exception, and he wasn’t cut or traded for a 7th draft pick two years away. He was the 31st pick and he was traded for the 68th pick. Suggesting that Foster can’t catch or track a ball is ridiculous. Coleman is gone and Perriman apparently won’t be signed. Not sure what either have to do with Foster specifically . Besides Benjamin, all of our WRs are potentially replaceable.
  4. If they had to cut someone to get to 53 I don’t know who it would be. Of all the things to make a joke about, the best you could come up with was Alabama’s schedule? I don’t know if you aspire to be a comedian or not, but if you do, don’t quit your day job.
  5. I am making an educated guess on what triggered his apparent breakdown based on information that has been reported in the press. I don’t have any inside information. Can you explain why the Bills would offer him a contract if he was “melting down” in practice or showing sign of being mentally unstable? I didn’t “blame the Bills”. I suggested that the contract negotiations and the low ball offer likely triggered the breakdown. I think the low ball offer was rididuolus and they should have maintained his salary.
  6. An OC isn’t a miracle worker. I don’t think Daboll suddenly became a better coach in the 2nd half of the National Championship game.
  7. You don’t offer a guy a contract, low or not, if you you think he’s crazy. That would be stupid and the Bills aren’t stupid. He started acting eratically after the contract offer. It’s reasonable to surmise that his change of behavior and the contract are related. It’s clear that he felt he was mistreated. What’s your point? The Bills were aware of his history and they signed him twice, and then resigned him. It appears that the contract negotiation triggered some sort of breakdown. The Bills obviously couldn’t have predicted that, but he deserved better than the low ball contract they offered him.
  8. Do you think the Bills’ brass would have been foolish enough to offer him a contract if they knew he was mentally unstable? He had some sort of breakdown after the Bills made him a low ball offer.
  9. Posey was a 4.50 guy and that was before he ruptured his Achilles Tendon. Sharp ran a 4.58 at the combine.
  10. The Bills disagree with you. When a team cuts or gives away a 1st rd pick after 2 or 3 yrs, it’s usually not a good sign.
  11. Confused about what not wanting to sign Perriman has to do with Foster or Alabama’s schedule. Care to explain the illogic?
  12. The Bills offered him a contact. Would they have done that if he was mentally unstable? This all started when the Bills cut his salary. That was bush league and penny wise, pound foolish.
  13. He appeared to go off the rails when the Bills nickel and dimed him on his contract. Should have paid the man.
  14. Our OL is better at run blocking than pass blocking. If we can’t establish a running game, we’re sunk. The first play is Shady running off tackle.
  15. I’ll have the last laugh when Alabama wins another National Championship. I know Alabama has a great team, but do we really need to discuss them in every thread?
  16. I enjoy posts that are funny or amusing. Do you know where I can find some?
  17. You should educate yourself before you mock UDFAs. https://mobile.twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/772806077217857536?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^772806077217857536&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxsports.com%2Fnfl%2Fstory%2Fone-staggering-stat-shows-how-important-undrafted-players-are-in-the-nfl-090516 https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.herosports.com/amp/nfl/25-percent-super-bowl-lii-active-rosters-undrafted-free-agents-byby
  18. Foster is a clean slate. Coleman and Perriman are proved flops.
  19. Hopefully we’ve learned our lesson rolling the dice on 1st rd washouts.
  20. Thanks. I know they have Tua’s brother and Bear’s great grandson in the wings.
  21. Who do they have behind Jones?
  22. He’s unbelievable. Jalen is graduating in December. I don’t think he lasts the season. He likely wants to preserve his 2 yrs of eligibility.
  23. I hope that you don’t aspire to be an oddsmaker in Las Vegas.
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