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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. Well, they lost their best player and just lost to the Patriots so I guess nobody really thinks they will beat the Bills.
  2. This is terrible. I hope Pelosi recovers in full, and the attacker goes to prison or a mental hospital for the criminally insane. Gotta watch out for the crazies, they are everywhere.
  3. He needs to get in the best shape he can before they play a good team. Keep him working out and getting healthy.
  4. Tom Brady sucks. That's all.
  5. I think this is great!!! 48ers get an injured (soon to be injured) player and the Panthers get picks to waste. So happy Bills didn't do this.
  6. Because it will be long gone by the time I become of age. On the teachers pension, one funny thing that a lot of people probably don't know about STERS. Teachers (CA at least not sure about other states) don't pay social security, but CALPERS employees do. Now because I do have CALPERS, even though I paid 100% into social security, if I do get it, it will be reduced by 33%. Strange right? I don't even plan on that pension being there either. I am building a separate retirement from the Government in order to ensure I can retire some day.
  7. If your party keeps winning there won't be free press anymore that's for sure.
  8. I too have paid into social security my entire life, and I won't see a dime.
  9. They are against democracy!!!
  10. No link, no quote? Who is Heath Mayo? A vote for Democrats is a vote for killing puppies!!!!
  11. Sure he did. Also, they spent a lot of capital for an overrated QB
  12. In time. We will see how the year goes. Long time to go.
  13. As your resident Nevada fan, Las Vegas has no chance in hell at winning this game.
  14. Bills aren't going to get CMC. The Bills don't need him. Move along.
  15. In response to the question. Yes he is.
  16. Sure hope we don't find ourselves in a war with oil rich Russia who is in OPEC+ while having no oil reserves. Biden is either the biggest fool, or is brilliantly succeeding in destroying the power of the USA. Maybe both?
  17. meh.
  18. I agree, though Biden was sending boats back to Cuba for some reason. Everyone else is welcome. That's weird stuff.
  19. President Biden stated in February that if Russia invaded Ukraine there would be no nord stream 2. Now both just blew up. Was this the USA? Did Europe blow them up to prevent public outcry to buy gas from Russia come winter? Russia doesn't need to blow up their pipelines to shut them down, they control the spigot, so seems like it would be a different actor.
  20. One game. One game the Bills should have won. One game where half the team was the walking dead. If this one game means the Bills can't get the #1 seed, I think it means they won't win the division because the one team that beat them is in the division. Slow down buddy.
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