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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. I get that and I understand. However, I find that our culture now understands that killing babies is just fine. I hate that. I've been through it in my generation and the next and all I can say is I'm so happy to provide for these sweet little girls. one and then the next.
  2. I voted a straight GOP ticket. I know what the stakes are. I agree 100%. What are the politicians saying? Left=It's between a woman and her Dr. right: not so simple.
  3. They like abortion to a point. Libs like it until the point of birth, Most folks are about 15 weeks. Taxes are bad, I hate taxes. I live in Nevada for heavens sake. We got legal weed, not so great when you get it. Libertarian here, just understand, it's not awesome for the great scheme of things... I got through many English classes writing reports on legalization, and not so into it anymore.
  4. I am yet to meet someone in person who would vote for Trump over Desantis, but I don't know that many people. I get that there are many folks who think Trump is some messiah but that will change, and it must. I stay a registered Republican with the hope that I can vote against him again in the primary, but honestly, I'll only do it if Desantis runs against him. Otherwise I'll have to vote for him and hate myself for it.
  5. I think we understand each other, well, I understand you. I grew up in Utah in a county of about 8000 people, a town of about 2000 which was one of the biggest towns in a very large county with no population. We mine coal, we make power, that's what we do. The biggest town I lived in before I was 30 was Susanville aka prison town usa. I've moved up to the biggest little city and it's too damned big. Remember always that there is a lot of responsibility in the small towns, and they do much more than anyone will ever understand. Thanks, Chef, for being you.
  6. Trump is a fool. He absolutely needs to step aside. He did some great things, but the guy is beyond the pale. Desantis is the future and that is all there is.
  7. Essentially you stated you don't need to care about a county that has half the population of your small town. It's like SF or LA not caring about the entirety of the state of CA. It was a bit elitist and overstated. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but it really felt that way. May as well get rid of the electoral college and so on.
  8. Good then don't disparage the good people of Lassen County and we are good.
  9. It's going to get a lot better for Dems before the night is through for sure, but you won't win the house, and may not win the senate, but that is debatable. I think maybe we should learn to respect each other and go root for federalism as much as we can.
  10. Yeah, that wan't too clear. It turns out when you live in a rural area, people like YOU like to make decisions on how they can live without understanding their way of life. More importantly people unlike you exert more power upon them. You believe that they are trash and feel superior to them. You are a Democrat without even knowing it. Get out of their lives, let them live. That is what I'm saying.
  11. Perhaps people who hate the government that knows nothing of their lives yet wants to tell them how to live would like to break away. Check out the sagebrush war. I agree with you most of the time, and I think our politics are very close to one another, but you suffer from ego.
  12. Agreed, Trump is such a piece of trash that he doesn't care about anything, not America, not policies, just Trump. The dude is a Democrat in nature.
  13. House of Rep. They elect Republicans, what do you do? B word?
  14. Honestly, this pisses me off. I lived in Lassen County. What republican stronghold are you holding down? Hell, I'm a libertarian and understand what it takes. What are you doing? I lived there FOR 10 years. Not the last 10 years. Wake up.
  15. Funny I helped him get elected while there. yeah, huge rhino no *****. I guess I should have voted for someone who couldn't be elected in CA at all.
  16. I lived in CA for 10 years, I helped Arnold get elected. It's not that simple.
  17. I want to end the madness from all Blue. This will be done. A red wave/tsunami = failure anyway. Acting like losing by only so much is a win is funny.
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