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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. I don't really care one way or the other. Dude seems like a fellow who likes the smell of his own farts. I really don't care what he said, it seems like he was attempting humor and failed miserably. These things happen. If he loses his job because of it, so be it, but I don't think he hates women or any of that. Just a dumb comment, he appears to do that a lot.
  2. Dang! I didn't even think of that. Dude's gonna be rich.
  3. Perhaps he will learn to code?
  4. You think I know how to read?!!
  5. He never said white, had he done so I would have accepted his comment.
  6. I think he should be cancelled for saying that women are generally better than men. What a sexist pig. Hating on men. Complete trash... Oh, wait, nobody cares about men? Weird.
  7. Hell yeah! Welcome back Bease!
  8. Funny because the Democrats want to be the CCP.
  9. I'll give you that at least he isn't Michael Avenatti or anything, but the dude was touted as non-political and superhero, then proceeded to be as partisan as anyone I've ever seen.
  10. This ***** guy. He should probably go back to Ukraine and fight instead of lying about everything he can over here. "He's definitely not a shill for the left, he's honorable!" -nobody
  11. Did Hillary just delete all the emails or did she return them?
  12. Funny it seems that dude suffers from said mental condition because obviously he was joking.
  13. Right, lots of politicians are guilty of a lot of things. Lots of bureaucrats are guilty of a lot of things. DOJ doesn't do anything unless it is politically expedient to do it. Right now Trump has announced a run for president and the country doesn't want him in power, but there is a very large contingent of Trumpers that will only vote for him. This means no matter who the Dems run will win. So, Trump won't be prosecuted unless the establishment decides he can win. The government is as corrupt as can be and has been for years.
  14. In his defense, when he stole the documents he was the President.
  15. Eh... a Clinton is disgusting in every way. Trump is disgusting in every way. It's hard to say.
  16. God Speed Trump. I don't see him winning general unless he is going against a corpse.... Hi Biden.... IDK. Dude needs to be put out to pasture, but I'll vote for him over Biden so I guess time will tell. Their wives maybe sluts... He's the second best man to lead the country. Desantis 2024!!!
  17. Do Hillary next! It's all trash you know. Just 1 side using the government to lock up their opponents. Didn't see Donald lock Hillary up did you?
  18. I'm going to cruse over there and slap them about a bit. Damn cheaters. Also, I really doubt any shenanigans in Washoe. This isn't Las Vegas.
  19. Good for them!! Gotta get the count right. I mean, they reported about 64% for Laxalt and Lombardo.
  20. I remember the dangling chads and pregnant chads and all that. Florida has fixed their system and are the best in the business. AZ and NV can't get their ***** together year after year. Hell, even PA is doing better than them and they elected an undead dude and a dead dude.
  21. Even more will need to be counted in Clark. Washoe so far has gone for Laxalt and Lombardo where Clark hasn't. It will be interesting.
  22. I don't think so, but they haven't reported any changes in quite some time so who is to say. Looks like the Governor is out of a job.
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