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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. Glad he knows he was being a fool. Hopefully he takes this offseason to get his head on straight.
  2. That has to be the dumbest thing I have read in a long time. Thanks!!
  3. There is no way the Chiefs lose this game. No way possible. Nope. The Raiders can't beat them at all. Just won't happen. Curse applied. Now to text my brother the Chiefs fan, and my friend the Raiders fan.
  4. Donalds did too, however, he has still lost unless the Dems start crossing.
  5. Knowing a thing or two about farm communities in CA, they are known for having some of the richest people on earth! They don't work hard at all, and are born with a silver enema up their a$$. /sarcasm
  6. Can he play safety?
  7. I think it was about what the NFL was doing about the Cinci game, but can't be sure
  8. Bills training/medical staff have shown to be the best of the best yet again. Go Bills!!
  9. They will, and I expect them to play against New England on Sunday, and they will be emotional. I just expect them to get some sort of respite before they have to go to Cincinatti again, and they will get it. We send out youth to war and they experience so much more, and we expect them to keep fighting. It's just that this is just a game. They will have to be strong and play the game they love. It just may take them a few to remember why.
  10. It doesn't matter, those players aren't going to just up and forget last night. They need to be in peak mental and physical condition to play this game, and that isn't going to happen. Sure, force these poor men back onto that field and watch them get rolled. If the NFL wants to move the playoffs, so be it, but expecting them to just shrug this off is again, just not going to happen.
  11. Just gotta say, congratulations to Daboll. What a bad man!!!
  12. Saw this article. I'm not a Buffalonian but thought I would share with those who are. Merry Christmas Jay Really good folks out there in Buffalo.
  13. Carr is going to slip on a mat.
  14. Dude failed to the top then failed there too.
  15. The old NeoCons are grifting off Dems now. So that's nice.
  16. Well, I mean you changed the lyrics as the song is Civil War... But yeah, it applies.
  17. Dude is not a diva, he's a bad man!
  18. I've seen them once in San Diego, it was like a 10 hour drive from NorCal.
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