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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. Would be foolish not to. Had Russia accidentally killed the POTUS, that would be the end of the world as we know it.
  2. It's war, starve them out, pick up the pieces.
  3. Yes, with taxes. Too bad red areas have all the resources. Cant make all that white collar money without power, water, food, gas etc. Oh yeah, guns.
  4. It would turn to civil war when all the red parts around the large cities want to join with the red states and the blue cities realize they can't feed themselves or produce power and so on. Would get nasty pretty quick. We really just need the Federal Gov do what they are supposed to and get out of the way. Let the states do what they do.
  5. She did the right thing. Also, can't render aid safely in that situation. She doesn't have cuffs on her to prevent him for fighting for the gun. It's not like she executed him, but if you get shot, you may just die. Don't try to steal someones gun folks.
  6. What do progressives do? Do they change the culture at every turn? How is that going? Edit: Oh yeah, she's not attractive. Now do Maxine.
  7. I was Billsin2024 on that board. Guess when the next Super Bowl is. Go Bills!
  8. Yes he can. Whether or not he will is yet to be seen.
  9. Pathetic! Bills should be ranked 1 or 0!! Blow up the team, I've had enough of this trash!
  10. I still wear my Shady jersey every game even though I have 2 Allen jerseys. Don't throw shade at Shady, he's the man.
  11. Get it done!!!
  12. I think is saying he is betting on them to win. Edit: Not a money bet, just believes they will.
  13. Edmunds rocks and that's all there is to it.
  14. I don't think it was Dorsey that kept turning the ball over.
  15. That is what faith is. Or more to the point, perhaps you see and don't believe or understand. We are so small, and yet we find ourselves to be so large.
  16. Yeah, most of them are Seahawk fans, but I would assume that they expect Seattle to lose first round.
  17. Well, if that isn't the Bease Knees!
  18. I say send it to Vegas... That way it's close enough for me to go.
  19. Perhaps we should have a convention of States. We can fix this and a whole lot of other crap. Of course red states outnumber blue, so they won't want that to happen.
  20. You can be against it all you like but that is the law. Congress can change it but doesn't. I wonder why.
  21. Perhaps Damar will show up on Sunday, or maybe have a video message and show up the next week. Who is to say?
  22. Yes they do. They had more wins than the Bills.
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