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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. Adding politics and social belief systems into sports thus removing the escape
  2. NYT is complete trash. ESPN has proven their brand of crap doesn't belong in sports... I don't think NYT will understand that. Bye Bye The Atheletic
  3. Brandon all the way.
  4. I sure hope the Bills make the Super Bowl in 2024, My home state hosting the game woudl be amazing. Also, I used to post as Billsin2024 on the BBMB, so that would be a pretty epic prediction as I created that account in 2004. Go Bills!
  5. I met a bunch of Canadians in Mexico last week. Of course I was sporting my Bills gear. They said most folks are Sea Chicken or Bills fans there. They were all rooting for the Bills to beat the *Pats alas it didn't work out, but still. Go Bills!
  6. This is true. I wasn't worried one bit about this one. Allen always gets a yard or so. Unfortunately in a game where the middle of the line was getting abused, they got abused one more time. They need to lick their wounds and remember this one for later in season, perhaps in the playoffs we will see them again. It's a tough loss, but against a good team that appears to have our number. Time to get it solved.
  7. AZ is pushing hard. going to be a tough out in the NFC this year. I'll take Knox anyway, dude had really improved this year, and I hope he continues to grow.
  8. No, I was bringing it to your attention that you are the pot calling the kettle black. I thought you could see that. Let's spell it out. If you believe what you espouse, you should follow your convictions.
  9. Just the pot calling the kettle black.
  10. Since when is cultural appropriation a bad thing? I thought this was the great melting pot where we pick the best of everyone who is here. It's like when the Spanish brought horses to the new world. The natives had never seen such a thing. A few hundred years later and the natives become a horse culture. Change your name and avatar before you spout one more word of this garbage.
  11. Me. Because it sucks.
  12. I couldn't stand her until they had to have the guys in New York take over, after that, I was glad when she came back.
  13. John Stockton Rules!!!!! Game 6 was stolen from us.
  14. Moss too. Maybe having good players play helps win games?
  15. You know, the funny thing about all of this is that Beasley could believe anything he wanted and if he didn't have to blab about it on instatwit or whatever nobody would know but him. Let's ban social media for players and children and adults, and everyone in between. it's the real jerk here.
  16. Yeah, screw that guy for believing that people should make their own health decisions. I would boo you if I could. Wait I can. BOOO!!!! BOOO!!!
  17. He's a monster.
  18. He is not Samson... His hair was slowing him down. Just like the rest of his teeth!! Good job Beas!
  19. WTF is that trash? Yes. unplanned.
  20. Free trade is great! Free trade for them and not for US sucks. Try to send milk to Canada.
  21. NAFTA was a huge part of this as well. Also, all through school they beat it into your head if you don't go to the University you are trash, not everyone can do that. They gutted wood shop, auto shop, etc and wonder why everyone sits at home and games.
  22. Who wants to go to college to be told you are the devil? Who wants to pay more for that honor? Why spend years in college learning that crap only to find that your degree is useless and you are up to your eyeballs in debt? Who needs a study to tell them the answers to these questions?
  23. Wonder what the problem is in LA, there is no Trump country there... Or SF.... Weird. Again, The vax isn't nearly as effective as they had hoped, the masks don't work, and anything above that is totalitarian. We are all going to get it.
  24. Rather that than a Governor. Edit: Then, than, sigh.
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