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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. Sounds a lot like the US and Canada these days.
  2. It's hard to say. This is another good reason to have the 2nd amendment so the citizenry can fight back! But you know... I really hope they have enough firepower to thoroughly punish Russia for this aggression, that POS Putin needs to learn a lesson.
  3. Great deal! Keep our talent here!
  4. I'm liking how you sign your name at the end of your post, I think I'll start doing so as well. Demon
  5. It doesn't matter, Russia is on the council and has veto power. Not that the UN is worth a damn. Fact is Biden says he won't do anything if Putin just inserts the tip, so that's what Putin is doing.
  6. That's a pretty hot take. I bet he won't be saying that next year.
  7. This is when the truckers dig in and the government of Canada will show what petty tyrants they really are. Loyalty to the country always, loyalty to the government when they deserve it. - Mark Twain
  8. I can be President, it's in the constitution.
  9. Who is John Galt?
  10. If that's a stutter, I am Mickey Mouse!
  11. And yet you have no problem with Biden acting like a demented person for the past couple of years. So sad!
  12. War Imminent If CNN says war is imminent, I expect peace to break out immediately and to spread like wildfire.
  13. having a constructive conversation with Tibs is impossible, so I decided to deflate them.
  14. Move along before I call a grand Jury.
  15. Someone will have to change those babies diapers.
  16. Yeah!
  17. We will take them from the lefties.
  18. As a resident of Nevada, Gov Sisolak removed the mandate at about 10:15am yesterday and it was almost as if the world started turning again. going out to lunch no one was wearing masks. If you think for 1 second the anti-maskers are in the minority, you are wrong. Sisolak, you did the right thing 1 year late. Enjoy your last year in office.
  19. I like my gazpacho cold and precise.
  20. Blue state effectiveness vs Red state. Never heard of people crapping on the streets in Utah. Stroll down the streets of SF or LA.
  21. You spend a lot of time in red states? No? You have no clue. Shut up.
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