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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. I really like Beasley and wish him the best. I think he helped show the younger guys what it takes to be a pro and for that the whole team is better. Just hope he doesn't show up in the division.
  2. Yeah, you are probably right. I have no idea of their capabilities or strategy, I just know you don't mess with Texas.
  3. I'm sure president D-bag of Belarus knew about it too. Sick bastards.
  4. The difference is the Texans already have guns and know how to use them. Also, there are probably more vets in Texas than Ukraine and they have real fighting experience. Anyone invading Texas is going to get smacked up. I think she admitted it because she was testifying to congress. The fact that Rubio asked her and didn't know the answer is spooky.
  5. He did bomb nothing in Syria with 0 casualties to prove a point. I know Trump used the hell out of drones to kill people in countries we weren't at war with... Just like the rest, so that was kinda war criminalistic. Still, didn't start a war which is super cool in my book.
  6. Holy crap they must have made a freaking TON of money off the pandemic. Who would have thought?
  7. Well, my gas has gone up over $2 per gallon since 1/23/21. Democrat in office. Check. I think it has more to do with the fact that Obama wanted prices to go up artificially to get people to go away from fossil fuels. Then Trump took office and the price dropped like rock. Then Joe gets into office and prices go through the roof as he stops Keystone, hasn't granted 1 drilling permit on land in over a year. What do you think? Democrat presidents cause the price of oil to go up or am I just a dumb dummy from dumb town?
  8. Yeah, but, if they called for an all out drill-a-thon, that would lower prices now as the cost per barrel of oil is really futures, thus, actively working the problem now will begin to lower the cost sooner than later. I watched the price of oil steadily increase the moment Biden won, it got faster the day he took office $2.97/Gallon. Joe talks about oil companies not soaking the public, I'm pretty sure the government makes as much money per gallon of gas as the gas company. It seems that dreams of utopia are too great to do what needs to be done.
  9. Prices were lower because US/Canada fracking and so on, OPEC+ wanted to make oil cheaper so that our methods of extracting fuel wouldn't be worth it. So they lowered prices. When we don't continue the path we were on, OPEC+ can raise prices again. The + in OPEC+ is Russia. We are cutting off Russia, less oil, higher cost. Drill, frack, explore costs go down. Have a nice day.
  10. NO, she's a moron.
  11. What if Pence agreed? Do you think that Trump would have remained president? Honestly, how dumb are all of you?
  12. They should. This again is virtue signaling... Lots of that going around these days. They are paying for the oil through SWIFT still, there are only a few Russian banks blocked from SWIFT so they can all have their cake and eat it too. None of our response makes much sense at this point.
  13. I understand what they are trying to do, I just think they are confused. This is just virtue signaling on their part, and I know there are a lot of people who would agree with it. It's just really misguided.
  14. What in the name of god are you talking about? Lots of news outlets seem to be confused by Russia not using their air force. I'm starting to wonder if he is just biding his time for when EU, US, or NATO to decide to step in, and then unleash his air force and so on. Is Vlad just attempting to goad us into a fight? What do you all think?
  15. Trump knew nothing of Ukraine, but got impeached for withholding aid for a short period of time. I wonder if John Bolton ever saw a country on a map that he didn't want to bomb.
  16. Already? I've been hearing so much about how they are elite and battle hardened and that there were thousands of them. Or was there a small group of the Chechens that were the kill squad? It's almost like they keep writing articles but don't say anything.
  17. I don't like this, I suppose they must be Russian, but what does that have to do with anything. I don't like all this anti-Russian crap. How about they have him make a video saying Putin is a piece of crap instead?
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