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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. I'll have to circle back on that.
  2. Giving weapons of war to a country that has had many issues with corruption while not having oversight is a threat to national security. People are pissed off because we keep spending money like drunken sailors while inflation is going wild. People are pissed because the government is bending over backwards to help Ukraine, but are slow as hell to address the formula shortage.
  3. Trump raised my taxes so it wouldn't be the first time. I guess asking that everyone pay taxes is a bad thing.
  4. Yeah, F that Abbott guy for using renewable energy and getting hit with a once in a lifetime storm.
  5. Perhaps, I don't see it as going too far. The whole thing was a farce, the SCOTUS doesn't make law, so I agree with his opinion, but I would support the legislative branch creating a law. Just not the law that Schumer wants to put forth now allowing abortion up until the baby is 11 years old.
  6. Well, I think we can all agree that the document was better written than executed.
  7. You should read the 13th. If you want abortion enshrined in the constitution, see if you can get an amendment for it. Otherwise, it's up to the states.
  8. It's almost as if you have to be a lunatic to be a politician. Where do we find these people?
  9. So abortion which isn't mentioned in the constitution is a right, and owning guns which is enshrined in the 2nd amendment isn't a right. I understand Tibs better today, they can't read.
  10. He sounds like all those morons that wonder why police have to shoot people in the chest. Bunch of dumbass city folk.
  11. No, they don't. Which is why all these companies are publishers and thus should not get the protections afforded to them
  12. Twitter isn't a publisher and gets special protections because of that. They then act like a publisher to take away the voices of people who don't agree, thus breaking the rules hence they should lose their special protections as they are now a publisher. That's the difference.
  13. You mean fries right? Also, it is very difficult to find good ranch, but I've never found it on wings.
  14. More Bills fans in San Diego than Chargers fans. I know from experience. Go Bills!
  15. They will never bring Trump in. NEVER! They would get their asses kicked to the moon, and the coverage would be so intense, they couldn't get away with their lies.
  16. This is very exciting. Diggs and Allen will terrorize the league for years to come. Go Bills!
  17. If you have no lie in your title, I have a feeling you are misleading. Just sayin'
  18. Kaepernick had lost it. He was backup to Blaine Gabbart in his final season. There is no team that wants that headache for someone who can't beat Gabbart for a job.
  19. Ha! I didn't see this. pretty funny stuff.
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