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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. Yes, it doesn't say the right of the militia, it says the people. I believe the constitution begins with "We the people" does it not? Who do you think the people are? WHO?!
  2. Yeah, I think we all saw that happen in real time. The FBI conducted an investigation. Why does this matter again? We know Trump and his band of clowns came up with all sorts of trash to try to claim the election was stolen. He went to court and never once did they allege any voter fraud. He's full of ***** and he knows it. He planned a rally outside the capital on 1/6. He told people to go to the capital and peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard. Now, where did he organize the riot? What language said by Trump caused them to attack the police and break into the capital? There is no meat here. The only thing Trump caused to happen in all of this is for Georgia to have had enough of his trash and they elected 2 Dems to the Senate. Honestly, if the Dems want to make sure Trump can't be president again, they should focus on their jobs and perhaps let Trump speak. That seemed to work last time.
  3. A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
  4. Congrats to you folks in New York! Welcome to the USA
  5. Looks like the GOP decide who to vote for, not Trump. That's good.
  6. I figure Biden could use his powers to force UP to not F up the world, but what do I know?
  7. Truely inspiring!! I hope those kids grow up to cure cancer or just have a happy life with their mother.
  8. She had better not come to Reno she'd ***** her pants
  9. I just want everyone to be charged for what they did, and the charges to be fair. I don't like people sitting in solitary confinement for trespassing and I don't like the narrative around 1/6. It was a terrible event, but it didn't almost take down democracy and we don't need the gestapo to reinstitute democracy. If Trump broke the law, I hope he is punished. If not, I hope he isn't.
  10. Great! Let's start looking at the 2020 riots, Hunter Biden, the borders, drugs, etc. Why is it we only look at right wingers? This whole thing is a joke. It's embarrassing to say the least. Our country has been torn apart by all these idiots in office and we just compound the problem. How about this, railroad Trump and conservatives and white guys and all that. Then when the Republican's take office in a few months, perhaps we can fix the problems and skip all the bull####. Please!!! Republican's when you take office stop this ***** and fix the ***** problems!!! PLEASE!
  11. You don't think the Dem run exec can handle railroading the Dem's enemies without the Dem run House or Senate to help?
  12. I sure as hell would love to vote for Desantis instead of Trump. All day, every day 110%. I still think this whole thing is BS. The DOJ is doing their job, the FBI is doing their job. Congress should do their job and knock this trash off.
  13. Define fascism then explain how it applies to their post.
  14. The only reason I question the election is because you can't question the election. That makes me wonder.
  15. Except Antifa has the brains to show up with weapons instead of just shields. These are the folks that are the greatest danger to America and Democracy. All 31 of them.
  16. Looks like 31 people from 11 states. So it's not just the Idaho nazi's. They are headed by a 23 year old who has been in the fascist game since he was in high school. Seasoned pro. Wonder why they didn't have a larger contingent of people. Must be a shortage of nazi's these days. They were all put up on $300 bond except the 23 year old leader, he get's no bail. weird. I really don't think this was arranged by the Feds like a lot of folks are saying, I think this was the largest gathering of fascists the country has seen in years and we should be very careful.
  17. It's been common knowledge that there are a bunch of Nazi d-bags up in northern Idaho my whole life. It doesn't surprise me that the idiots would go to disrupt a gay pride parade. The thing I don't get, other than it is illegal to put a bunch of people in the back of a u-haul, is what did they do to break the law? From what I've seen they had shields, which is a defensive tool, and they would definitely need them as they were about to get their asses kicked by a bunch of gay folks... Why did they all get arrested? It's just odd. I suppose, yeah, they had informants, but what was the big plan? To block a few of the blows before they are overtaken by thousands of people? Morons.
  18. I don't know who paladinio is, but, I'm sure you are a liar.
  19. $6.05/g 87 octane today. over 100% increase since Joe took office. But mean tweets!!!
  20. For the first time in the history of the republic, right wingers acted like Democrats. Best keep that going as long as possible. Going to be really funny when the red tsunami happens in November.
  21. Yeah, from what I have seen of it, it raises questions, has no answers, and it assumes their narrative is correct. It's like watching the news.
  22. Fitz isn't a normal Journeyman. His heart is everything that the Bills have stood for as long as I have been a fan. Sure he wasn't the best player, and he didn't have a ton of success, but the guy is 100% all the time, and that is why he should retire a Bill.
  23. I expect he will retire as a Bill. At least I hope so. Well done Fitz
  24. This is true, very expensive. I believe we just gave $40 Billion to Ukraine, perhaps that's the kind of funds we need. Hell, if instead of donating to anti-gun and pro-gun causes we donated to make schools safe, that would probably pay for it too. This country spends so much money on crap that is completely useless or give money to so many countries it's a joke. We should fund keeping out students safe, and fund mental healthcare and perhaps we can have a much safer country without having to give up our rights.
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