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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. From what I understand, the prosecution asked for it so they sent it over, then the prosecution said they did it on accident to make them look like fools. Ok, yes, they are fools, but they demonstrate that on their own.
  2. Ok, so visiting to play ball. Victim of circumstance, and of course didn't follow the law of the land. I hope they find a way to get her home without returning murderous wretches.
  3. Was she on a Russian team?
  4. I haven't followed too closely, but I just have to wonder what the hell she was doing in Russia in the first place. Seems like the last place on Earth an American should want to be these days. She should probably know better than to fly with weed in any form. It's illegal to do so in the USA as well, so perhaps go without pot for a while. This is obviously a power play by Russia as they could more easily just deport her, but they want to do prisoner swap, or if they don't get it, they will punish her far more severely than she deserves. Truly sad.
  5. As I understand it, the funds were not earmarked for only helping vets, it's $400,000,000,000. That's a ton of money for sick vets or for whatever they want to spend it on. If they could just write a bill that does only what they claim, and the Republicans fight it, I'm on their side. If they are looking to dump a bunch of money on stuff that is completely unrelated under the guise of helping vets, I'm siding with the Republicans. I'm just of the opinion they are doing the latter, because that's all Washington ever does.
  6. Kinda like the Dems did in 2016 and then used the full force of the government to attempt to paint Trump as a Russian asset for his entire administration? Something like that right?
  7. He did ask them to send over Hillary's emails that she deleted, so I guess that is bad. Hillary concocted the whole thing with the DCCC and we know that. What do you expect them to do now?
  8. Right, none of it matters does it?
  9. True, but who do you think the terrorists would be more afraid of, the lunatic or the teleprompter readers?
  10. No dictatorship allows anyone to have equal rights. She should have brought that lady who flipped off the GOP baseball team with her to send some birds to Pooh.
  11. Love the fact that they got this piece of trash with no collateral damage. Good work Joe!
  12. The government, Federal and State make more than that off it. Perhaps we should whine about them
  13. So be it. Not all fertilized eggs come to term.
  14. How about we just have bills that only do what the headlines say? Let's try that.
  15. Nothing will come of this. He has been under investigation for years. Here is the deal, if they charge Trump and he goes to prison or is not allowed to run for office, this country will destroy itself.
  16. Thank god for Republicans.
  17. Yes, I'm thinking of textualism. Thank you.
  18. Right, because if we were to create founding documents upon which the entire government is built, we should allow a few folks rewrite it willy nilly. You want to change the constitution, call a convention of states.
  19. This is about an originalist Supreme Court overturning an activist Supreme Court.
  20. I'm calling you a fool It's not whether he has a gun, it's what he will use it for.
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