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Everything posted by Demongyz

  1. 2 possessions stolen from the Bills. I quit football. ***** THE NFL!
  2. Nope. You would go down like Jenna Jamison.
  3. But catches the ball.
  4. He appears to catch balls, so there is that.
  5. That is just wild. Wish they were in the AFC East.
  6. How about after the playoffs?
  7. I think that's it for Cleveland.
  8. Eh, Simms wasn't a good player and he wasn't a #3.
  9. He's the best QB the Bills have ever had, so there is that.
  10. I have the TV package. And can confirm that it is on.
  11. It appears to be available on my Sunday Ticket. So I suspect yes.
  12. I pretty sure she is talking about her first year of life. She has to recall that perfectly. Maybe she is talking about late 80's through the 90's...
  13. Yeah, this is exactly it. The probably detected it, said, that's weird and then later figured out what it was. I'm pretty certain that Biden had no idea of any of it.
  14. Yeah, the stolen valor thing is insane. People sure can be trash.
  15. Until now! It would be strange telling folks you are a member of an organization that you aren't.
  16. There is no way to prove that he did it. He could have done it. Who is to say. Joe did the same to get a prosecutor fired in Ukraine while VP and bragged about it. The prosecutor that was going after his son's company. He bragged about it, Trump wanted to look into it. I don't see a difference. Yeah, Trump is trash, so is Joe and probably 90% of politicians and talking heads. The "ruling class" is complete and utter garbage.
  17. Yeah, I've heard the audio, Ukraine sure got their missiles now. I mean, Zelinski aka 2023 Jesus said there was no quid pro quo, is that not enough? You know they changed the statute of limitations in New York for 1 year in order to "Get Trump" right? That was a political prosecution and you could get any jury in NYC to find Trump guilty of murdering the man in the moon. Look up Tara Reade. Oh yeah, the wall... turns out the Senate and the House did everything they could to keep him from building it. Biden was going to erase student debt and that's illegal, so he couldn't do it. What a liar!!
  18. Ukraine he was looking into a government official using his office to keep his son out of trouble. He was not running for president and not Trumps political opponent, he was just an ex VP. 1/6, still can't show me what Trump did wrong. Joe is accused of rape, what of it? Trump was a good president, and I just want him to go away. Desantis 2024!
  19. Still a semi-automatic pistol, this makes it a weapon of war.
  20. I'm talking about hard liquor. You can buy beer anywhere. Wine is also at the liquor store in Utah.
  21. Eh, that does depend. Where I grew up for sure, but in SLC it's probably not even 50% anymore, and the church isn't as pervasive, however, when the majority of Illinois is chased out under penalty of death, and they move to the middle of nowhere, it's going to be majority for quite some time. Also my folks are LDS and they are great people, so not much I can say against the church.
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