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Everything posted by McNubbins

  1. Taylor if they're trying to win now. Peterman if they're trying to win in the future.
  2. We can't be constantly throwing coaches out every year.
  3. Technically there is no comparison. Worst of all time.
  4. Go ahead and play him. Tank out the rest of the season, get a QB in the draft (along with oline prospects) and maybe next year we'll be set. There's always next year!
  5. Can this be documented anywhere? Also, Tyrod, if it's true that McDermott wants to win now.
  6. FIVE PICKS IN A HALF Historical terribleness! Why can't you guys admit we have a better shot with Tyrod than anyone else on the roster?
  7. The postgame is this: Bills suck, pissed away another playoff shot, see you next year.
  8. The thing is I can't trust anything he says anymore, after saying last week that Tyrod was the starter and then 2 days later changing to Peterman. We all know how that turned out.
  9. After going through a brutal 2 loss stretch, McDermott decided to change quarterbacks. What happens this week? Dennison fired? Tyrod named #1 of all time QB? What shall happen now? After all, we're trying to win now. (also win later)
  10. lol A fictional fact, then?
  11. Proof that 86.33% of Bills fans are hopeless dreamers.
  12. Kyle Williams said it best a couple of weeks ago:
  13. I didn't know that. I don't have a magic ball, but if you do please let me know where you got it. All I know is that before everyone clamored for Nathan Peterman this week we were in a wildcard spot. Now we are not.
  14. Still not offering any solutions though. Tyrod's the best we got at the moment, and he put us in playoff position sooo....
  15. Doubtful. There's always next year!
  16. So there's a better alternative on the roster, then?
  17. Why do you loathe him so much? I think any reasonable fan knows he's not the long-term solution, but you seem to have a vendetta.
  18. We'd at least have a chance in this game if he had started. Peterman is a bum, and Tyrod isn't our franchise guy but seriously. The dude got us to playoff possibilities, Peterman just ended that shot today.
  19. People crapping on Tyrod still after Peterman threw an NFL record amount of picks.
  20. Please don't bring Tyrod in now! WHY?
  21. Bills control their own destiny! Hopes of playoff birth for the first time in 17 years!
  22. 6/14 66 yards 5 ints. Pretty solid statline.
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