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Everything posted by Billsflyer12

  1. So you are not allowed to disagree with a draft pick and still be a fan? I can not think of a single stat, other then his height, that says he will ever be a successful QB in this league. If we can't have that discussion, even disagree and still be a fan, then after 45 yrs Im done.
  2. Why does Allen get excused for poor talent and WRs in the Mountain West Conference, but not any blame for his horrible stats against poor talent defenses of the Mountain West?
  3. Who is who here? Total Games: 30 27 400+yd Games: 5 0 300+yd Games: 12 2 >200yd Games 2 10
  4. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2018/4/24/17271686/josh-allen-nfl-draft-2018-stats-analysis-comparisons Title of article, “If Josh Allen succeeds, his GM will have outsmarted basically all regular humans and the entirety of math itself.” Ugh
  5. Taking the under on 7-9. My way too early prediction is 5-11.
  6. I live in Denver and they just made him Elway’s right hand man on the personal side. I think this fits him for what he wants right now, in football but not grind of coaching. https://www.denverpost.com/2018/01/02/broncos-gary-kubiak-expanded-role/
  7. http://www.post-gazette.com/sports/steelers/2017/12/18/alberto-riveron-nfl-senior-vice-president-of-officiating-patriots-calls-jesse-james/stories/201712180138
  8. 32 teams passed on him again last year after 5 yrs in the league, but ok Schoop.
  9. Really, 32 teams passed on Tyrod 6 times, and they all passed on him last year after 5 yrs in the league, but ok. I generally am ok with Schopp but this point is weak.
  10. Starting a 6th Rd QB for 3 years didn't.
  11. Rick Denniison has never be a true "OC". He was the "OC" to Mike Shanahan in Denver and Gary Kubiak in Houston and Denver. Neither place was he the system designer or play caller. So a basically new OC + a limited QB = well below average to bad offense. IMHO
  12. As someone who has spent the last 18 years traveling about weekly, the WGR guys are generally way better the other local sports talk radio. I've not turned on local sports radio here in Denver for almost 3 years, unlistenable. I could never sit in their shoes taking many of those calls, just awful. Also find the morning guys and afternoon guys to have interesting takes that don't just spew the company Bills line like Sal, Murph, and Jones. I don't always agree but appreciate the attempt to intelligently talk sports.
  13. What did you want to hear? What would you have said?
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