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RoyBatty is alive

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Posts posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Teams will pretty much abandon the run versus the Bills and attack the zone defense secondary. Brady might be able to pick up 500 yards against us, he will dink and dunk us to death on long drives. The defense will get better as the other team gets into the red zone and the field is compressed. Offenses will gain a lot of yards and chew up a lot of clock but hopefully wont score TDs in buckets. Meanwhile with the alleged Offesnive line we have how long are they going to be on the field. Our defence will get worn down in games and throughout the season unless the offense clicks.


    Teams with an accurate short-intermediate range passer and quick release will do very well against the Bills

  2. Not necessarily. Holmes has seemed just awful in camp, and after Jones and Matthews, the receivers seem pretty interchangeable. Could easily see them going: Matthews, Jones, Streater (if healthy), Philly Brown, Tate, Shorts or Reilly. Plus, considering how this team is constructed, they might not keep all that many wide receivers, in favor of running backs, fullbacks, and tight ends. Also, I suspect we might be closer to the comp picks than we think. Nobody really knows what the formula is, and if memory serves, the experts (who will readily admit they aren't certain) listed Justin Hunter as the first guy who did not qualify and EJ pretty close. Both those players might already count, plus if EJ is a back-up and Hunter has a solid season, that would likely play into the formula.


    Now, if they don't cut Ducasse, that'd be frustrating (sorry Vlad). If he's starting (barring injury to Miller), I'd even start turning a bit negative on this team.

    Can you imagine Ducasses starting against the New York Jets, my God, I think that turns maybe our easiest game of the year into a toss up.

  3. Unfortunately, veterans privilege. No OTA's to get in shape, hardly any training camp. He's out of shape.

    this isn't the 1960s when players used TCs to get into shape, NFL today is year round staying in shape, no excuse for him not to be in shape.


    I would love to know if the Bills just interviewed him or actually worked him out running routes. If they didn't that goes on Beane big time.

    Has really good hands. That's value. He's quick off the line and has seen enough NFL defenses to understand coverages and quickly locate a soft spot.

    Cant get separation in todays NFL good hands don't mean anything and he certainly looked anything but quick off the line yesterday.

  4. I didnt realize lil Bum was defensive coordinator for the Ram,s I have a ton of respect for him as DC so it makes me nervous he would part with EJ.


    Absent Jerry Sullivan's bitterness, this is the type of fluff piece we read constantly from the WNY media about a particular Buffalo Bill.

  5. It doesn't matter how many picks you have when the top teams in the draft need a QB.


    This team needs to tank and leapfrog the Jets.


    TT and his game management offense will net us enough wins to not get our guy...book it.

    Possibly, the Jets are in an almost shameful tank mode this year, we will win a few games and I dont think it will be because of TT more so it will be new coaching. Cleveland might have their guy in Kizer so the leading worst teams looking for a QB will possibly be the Bills & Jets, maybe the 49ers. This is supposedly a deep QB class of potentially elite QBs.

  6. 2017 is not about winning games, it will be about team building and developing players for the future. I look at it as 16 extra preseason games. Winning is a minus, not a plus as it will effect the 2018 draft.

    I agree but by some miracle, we win a lot, great, try to get a winning culture here when expectations are so incredibly low. If we do win more then 6 or 7 games I will give credit to McDermott and it will underscore what a farce of coach Rex was.

  7. The OP totes the same company line year after year...regime after regime. More of the same.


    Trying to emulate the Pats is a nice idea, but it's not something that anyone else has really been able to do...mostly because Belichek is by far and away the best coach in the game, and he has a brilliant QB that runs his system exactly how he wants him to.


    I am more skeptical of this regime after the recent moves, and I don't believe in dumping a star like Watkins for pennies on the dollar. This wasn't even character over talent...it was draft picks over elite talent, and I don't believe in that.


    Maybe it works if the Bills tank and get that ever so elusive QB that can do it all behind a defense that McDermott and Beane restructure and rebuild with their own guys, but these are much easier said than done.


    As always...time will tell. If I had to guess though, I would say this ends up another failed regime that couldn't get the right QB because they won too many games playing a low risk, low reward brand of football that doesn't lose games, but doesn't win many either, so we never get the QB required to make the jump into a true contender.


    I will as always hope I am wrong and will root for the best.



    Ah but unlike in the past, right now the Bills have enough "currency" (2 1st, 2 2nds, 2 3rds) in terms of picks that realistically the will land a legit POTENTIAL franchise QB, probably the first or second pick in the draft so if they go 2-12 or 7-9 it won't matter much. I assume the Jets get their QB in the #1 slot and we are not far behind.


    Unlike in the past the Bills appear to have a long term plan, not just patching holes so they can muddle along and go 7-9..


    Trust me, you are not going to see this regime do a boneheaded trade up to get a WR, QB is the play al the way.

    We are becoming an organization rather than an assembly of players. I feel bad for guys like Kyle Williams who have given us everything year in year out in that he may not be around for the next upswing. Its clear that Beane and Co. are much more developed in their thinking than DW ever was. We are building long term value rather than trying to get a wild card now so that our contracts will get renewed.


    Maybe Dennison can engineer a 30 TD season out of TT. If there is a franchise QB in next year's draft we're going to land him.

    Correct analysis here.

  8. Kool-Aid? I dont see any evidence of what you are implying.


    Any fan with half a brain realizes we are in a rebuild mode and expectations are going to be extremely low, by mid season the dialogue will be about our future franchise QB. 2017 season is a lost season, deal with it. If they go 1-15 or 6-10 what difference does it make.


    I will be happy if we do nothing more than clean up Rex's mistakes: reduce penalties significantly, have reasonable clock management, appropriate challenges, learn how to substitute players on time like a real NFL team. Also like to see them develop Jones and see what Peterman has.

  9. I like the moves, esp Watkins, it was the smart long term business/football decision.


    It appears as though the Pegula's/Brane/McDermott have a long term plan and it will require patience, esp from the fans.


    Yes it is unfortunate Watkins has moved on but one could argue he is injury prone, thus far ribs, hip and foot twice have kept him out of games. Th Bills werent realistically going to the playoffs this is so moving Watkins might cost us what, one game, maybe. So we go from 6-10 to 5-11, so what. If by some miracle Watkins doesnt get hurt this year and has a breakout season, so what, under that sceanrio, we would have to pay a huge tab to retain him here. Would Watkins give us a material home team discount, zero indication he would. We got something for Watkins and miss him one more meaningless season in terms of making the playoffs.

  10. Good to see again Shaw66, your posts on the old BBMB were always entertaining and insightful.


    My only comment is everything you wrote about the Pegula's is based on a lot of assumptions, reasonable assumptions and I certainly hope everything you wrote is accurate. I debated several here yesterday that though if the Bills go 5-11 or worse over the next two years the Pegula's would fire coaches and front office, i think that is rubbish. This is a rebuild and I think the Pegula' are in it for the long haul, no quick magic fixes. Unless the Bills are an utter embarrassment on the field as they were with the Rex era, McDermott/Beane are going anywhere for a long time.

  11. Actually I don't think it is setting him up for failure as much as it is setting him up to prove himself without his go to WR. If he is really "set up to fail" because of one player than he isn't the franchise QB we are looking for anyway.


    And what was Sammy's great contribution last year, 430 yards and 2 Tds, so setting up for failure seems to be an exaggeration to begin with.

  12. It could be a tank, too many variables and lack of real information on what has been going on since the new regime has taken over. Next year with a 1 2 3 and 7rd round pick added the Bills could easily move up and get a real shot at if not the best QB candidate one of the top 2 or 3. Maybe with 2 #1s and the other new picks they could move to the top of the draft, that is of course if we aren't naturally at the top of the draft, a mighty battle between the Bills, Browns and Jets.

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