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RoyBatty is alive

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Posts posted by RoyBatty is alive



    Isn't it part of the HC's job to develop a QB....not to have someone go from bad to worse? Credit to Marrone? OK

    To some extent, you think a reincarnation of Vince Lombardi could touch TJ Yates into a franchise QB, no.


    Bortles ALWAYS choked in big moments, he was notorious for throwing turnovers late in games, Marrone had nothing to do with that. Marrone is riding him because Bortles is not putting in the time and effort, Marrone cant force him to try and improve, now Bortles is losing his confidence because of the big meanie Doug Marrone, boo hoo. Reminds me of a bigger JP Losman.

  2. A lot of people dumping on the OP too aggressively.


    I think everyone understands IQ or and articulate speaker isnt going to win a Super Bowl but all things being equal smart players are better. I recall advice belichek gave adivce once to Jimmie Johnson, get smart players, you cant coach dumb. Belichek for the most part get smart players that know exactly where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to do, he gets versatile players that are smart enough to play multiple positions out of multiple sets.


    All things being equal, Give me smart players every time. Things like McKelvin returning that MNF kickoff or Losman running out of the end zone generally don't happen with belichek teams.


    And yes it is a relieve to listen to Zay Jones, he is one smart kid.

  3. top 10 in scoring

    bottom 10 in yards and time of possession


    We are goinjg to give up a lot of yards with our zone defense and questionable coverage LBers and secondary, Brady wil go for 500 on us one game. I say top 10 in scoring though as once the get in the red zone and compress the field the widnows in the secondary get very small so i can see a lot of din and dunking pass possession offenses going down the field in long drives and hopefully we hold them for a FG or get a turnover.


    Big question is our offense, if that Offensive line is as bad as it has been then we are in deep trouble.

  4. The end of football as we know it today is coming and there are lot of people who want to cover their eyes when presented with that. It might not be in the next 10 years, but before a lot of us are dead and buried we will not recognize the game we know today.


    But hey, lets enjoy it while we can. Go Bills.

    You are correct.


    In the 1930s the three big sports were Boxing, Baseball and Horse Racing....Boxing and Horse Racing aren't even in the top 10 anymore and Baseball has fallen tremendously. Same thing will happen to football.


    You have several things really hurting football going forward, the injuries, the followup lawsuits, over exposure (we are now watching the Combine! Seriously) and the play on the field (over officiated, too many long drawn out reviews, arbitrary rules).


    I live in high school football crazy Texas and of fellow parents, at least a third wont let their kids 1o play tackle football and the percentage grows every year.


    I am waiting for football (high school first, then college) to be banned in NY, that would be the first with some headline grabbing Attorney General being a SJW hero. Football had to be saved from being banned by Teddy Roosevelt. Also waiting for former College players to start suing the universities, that is coming big time.

    The game will die its natural death when it is stripped off its super stars. People will stop watching when the game becomes sub-standard. It could still take 50 years

    Football will end up looking like the Pro Bowl, in other words totally unwatchable. I dont think 50, more like 20.


    Thank you.

    I watched the video and was going to write a response, but then saw the thread had 9 pages!

    When I cam to this page, you were at the top with this response, which I completely agree with.

    Too many throws across his body on the run, absolutely no patience in the pocket for routes to develop--quite honestly he looks scared to take a hit. As soon as the pocket starts collapsing, his eyes leave downfield and he looks for a running lane.




    CJ Beathard.

    He WILL be the quarterback that we (and 31 other teams) forever rue the day we passed on him.


    Poise in the pocket, strong delivery, can take a hit, gets better as the game goes on. We would have had our franchise guy, but sadly, we let it slip by.

    Sadly for the Bills, I think you might be spot on with Beathard.

  6. They aren't bad enough to go 4-12 or 3-13.


    They'll win at least 5, IMO.

    If Vlad Duchesse starts they will be lucky to win 5 imo.


    Right now games they should win Jets (2), and Miami (H), toss ups, Broncos, Chargers, Saints all at home...all the rest we would be underdogs if they lines were set today. Every team but the Jets, Saints (8), Miamii (7.5) and Chargers (7.5) have current over/uinder odds at 8.5 games or higher, on PAPER, we have a brutal schedule


    I think for the Bills 6-10/ due to vastly improved coaching.

  7. Honestly, I have been following the Bills for too long to trust them to go all in on a top 10 QB, and have it work out...this franchise has never been able to develop a QB, at least in the modern era. Kelly came to them with two years of slinging the ball all over in the USFL. Flutie and Bledsoe were as good as they were going to be by the time the Bills got them...Ferguson had a long careeer, but it was a much different era, and QB's had much more time to hone their craft. There hasn't been much else...hate feeling so bad about this team, because, even in the worst of times, I am normally mister optimist by late August...I just am not seeing anything to hang our hats on for the forseeable future. I am hopeful McDermott can deliver and make this a respectable defense once again, but I think we are 3 years away, minimum, from being a playoff contender....and even that depends on a high rate of return on all of these draft picks.

    Is it really relevant to dredge up the 50+ years of Ralph Wilson owned teams to what the Pegula's are trying to do? It might be three years, to me that is highly preferred instead of patchwork mediocre to sub par teams ad nauseam.

  8. I honestly think, had the Pegulas let Whaley pick his own coach, we would be talking about a return to the playoffs...Ryan was a disastrous hire, on all fronts. All those praising Beane for being "bold", in my opinion, are way off... he is playing it completely safe. The choice not to exercise Watkins was a bad one, and trading him for an marginal DB and a lottery ticket was just bad. It's much easier to tare a team apart than to build one. Ask Tim Murray. The Colts "sucked for Luck", and now, they pretty much "suck with Luck"... Whaley really wasn't the problem with this franchise....

    I agree with one thing, I think Beane was a very safe move. What was bold was hiring Rex, well maybe they learned their lesson.


    Whaley & Watkins those are totally different debates.

  9. It's completely unnecessary if your organization is the least bit competent.


    Outside of the Colts getting extremely lucky with Luck(a once in a generation QB and no pun intended), when has a tank worked out well?

    Good question, I actually cant think of any other situations of teams "tanking" unless the Browns have been doing it last few years.


    And the term "tank" is ambiguous. I absolutely think the Bills will do everything they can with the roster to win games and I think they wlil be competitive in most, the natural parity of the NFL. It is real hard to go 0-16 in the NFL.

  10. Give me a break with the fans won't stand for it stuff. Fans are fans and love their team. They get frustrated at times but they love their teams.


    And if you only give the GM and HC two years you're just perpetuating the same shortsighted approach that got us in this mess.

    You got it.


    Imagine the buzz around the Bills next year when they have Sam Darnold, Josh Allen, etc. We might be so bad we might get our potential franchise QB and still have some high picks left to get more studs in here. If we manage to lose the first game against the Jets at home I would say we are firmly in the driver's seat for #1. Ahh such high aspirations of a Bills fan.

  11. Everyone says tank on this board, when it happens they won't tolerate it and be calling for heads


    McBean duo will last two years

    I doubt it.


    Fans by May of next year will be super excited because they have a lot of new talent and their hoped to future franchise QB, with all the new rookies that alone buys them another year. Certainly some crazies will be calling suicide hotlines but that is to be expected from a small minority, fans with common sense can see what is coming up.



    Pegula's aren't dumb, they realize 2 and out is the road to Cleveland Browns forever. They got a GM and a HC that young, hungry, not old tired retreads fired from somewhere else. The GM/HC are (apparently) totally on the same page, when was the last time that happened.


    The Pegula's inherited Whaley and the entire office. Finallly they got there guys in there now to run the show.

  12. 17 years, what is another one, at least we have a plan going forward, we have a GM and Coach that are on the same page, Ownership is giving them any tools they need including time and we are going to have one hell of a draft next year. Get to see how some of our new talent works out.


    So what really is the difference if we go 4-12 or 7-9,


    Who knows, maybe McDermott can shock us, God knows he cant be as bad as Rex. I bet we can actually get players substituted on time and wont make laughably bad decisions with challenges. Also McD better start fixing this penalty situation, if he cant this team might be unwatchable.


    Anyone with great expectations this year deserves to have the hopes dashed simply out of pure stupidity.


    Not that succeeded, no. It is why despite liking a lot of Mahomes I graded him as a high 3rd round pick. My gut wanted to like him more than that.... but the footwork is truly horrible and I just couldn't unsee it. His back foot has a mind totally of its own. I think the kid has a chance but that chance involves not playing this year. It involves taking a year and trying to refine that technique. If he could just make his bad footwork consistent (so that even if it isn't technically right you know how it is going to be wrong) then I think he becomes potentially very good. At the moment the problem is the footwork isn't just one issue.... it is bad in different ways from play to play almost.

    That is probably the way to solve it, to put it in a Golf analogy like Jim Furyk's golf swing which is wretched but it is the same consistent wretched so it works for him. There is so much work to be done with Mahomes I wouldn't even know where you would start. I remember when the Bills brought in an alleged QB guru Lee to fix some of Ryan Fitzpatrick's mechanics, which of course ended in failure, no improvement. Trying to redo Mahomes is going to be monumental task. If Alex Smith goes down early in the season we might have a real shot at the #1 pick in the draft, I think Mahomes playing this year would end in total disaster,

  14. That is great video of him versus Cinci. 90% of his throws he had at least one foot off the ground. As many others have posted, his footwork is deplorable, a clinic in deplorable, he throws off balance constantly, no patience in the pocket. But at least in College he got away with it because of his incredibly strong arm. Has anyone ever seen worse footwork in the NFL, I haven't. It is going to be interesting to see if he can turn into a franchise QB, I am betting against it but I can see why KC took the chance they did.

  15. Yep. Another great move by McBean.


    When bozo Whaley picked Jones I just shook my head...he's awful.


    The same thing will happen in 1 year when Watkins is hurt and Dez Bryant makes Darby look like a fool.


    Meanwhile, we will have 6 picks in the first 90...



    I didnt understand the Cardale pick either, I recall Rex was gushing about his athleticism so i wonder if it was more of a "Rex pick". That is the type of attention seeking draft pick he would do. Cardale will never be a good starting QB unless they have a gimmick offense, he would be good in limited wildcat non-sense.


    And if Watkins is true to form he will get hurt, or at least miss some games. I put the over/under at week 7 for him to miss.

  16. Boldin retiring is a HUGE embarrassment for the front office. There is no there way to spin it. He was brought in to soften the blow from trading Sammy and to provide much needed leadership in the locker room. Now what? He quit on the team before even playing one snap at home...and the locker room is going to be a wreck now. Good luck spinning this to the remaining players. WHAT A MESS

    It would have been a much, much bigger mess to keep him on the team and even worse, actually have him start. His performance last week was pitiful to watch, Players aren't stupid, they saw what he had to offer, Everyone realizes Boldin was way past his prime.



    I don't think the lockeroom will be a mess nor do I think it is an embarrassment to the FO, they took a shot and it didn't work out, I cant blame them for that. Lockeroom would have probably been a mess had they kept on over the hill player that cant contribute.


    Only real question I have is did the Bills work out AQ before they signed him, if they didn't than it is embarrassing for them.

  17. Teams will pretty much abandon the run versus the Bills and attack the zone defense secondary. Brady might be able to pick up 500 yards against us, he will dink and dunk us to death on long drives. The defense will get better as the other team gets into the red zone and the field is compressed. Offenses will gain a lot of yards and chew up a lot of clock but hopefully wont score TDs in buckets. Meanwhile with the alleged Offesnive line we have how long are they going to be on the field. Our defence will get worn down in games and throughout the season unless the offense clicks.


    Teams with an accurate short-intermediate range passer and quick release will do very well against the Bills

  18. Not necessarily. Holmes has seemed just awful in camp, and after Jones and Matthews, the receivers seem pretty interchangeable. Could easily see them going: Matthews, Jones, Streater (if healthy), Philly Brown, Tate, Shorts or Reilly. Plus, considering how this team is constructed, they might not keep all that many wide receivers, in favor of running backs, fullbacks, and tight ends. Also, I suspect we might be closer to the comp picks than we think. Nobody really knows what the formula is, and if memory serves, the experts (who will readily admit they aren't certain) listed Justin Hunter as the first guy who did not qualify and EJ pretty close. Both those players might already count, plus if EJ is a back-up and Hunter has a solid season, that would likely play into the formula.


    Now, if they don't cut Ducasse, that'd be frustrating (sorry Vlad). If he's starting (barring injury to Miller), I'd even start turning a bit negative on this team.

    Can you imagine Ducasses starting against the New York Jets, my God, I think that turns maybe our easiest game of the year into a toss up.

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