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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Agreed 100%. What does Beane want, to be seen as Mr Nice GM? So this added incentive, is McCoy suddenly going to work harder? If he does then something was wrong in the first place. What team just throws money at players already with a good contract? All posters saying what a great move this is understand next time we let a go player go because we cant afford him. Stupid move.
  2. I am betting Rob Ninkovich "un-retires", that will dramatically improve their defense. This Cassius Marsh guy aint gonna work out.
  3. Do I think he thinks about petty stuff like that, yes. I think the man's ego has no bounds.
  4. Maybe his number called didnt just happen, maybe it was Belichek rubbing in in the face of the Bills
  5. Excellent point, Brady is money on QB sneaks, especially on quick snaps which he is master at, walk up to the LOS and before the defense knows what hit them Pats have a 1st down.. And I agree with another poster, 95% of NFL RBs make those TD, Gillislee got the glory but really did nothing extraordinary.
  6. A seasoned Pats vet, wow that doesnt happen often, too bad, I rather enjoy the narrative that Gilmore screwed up so I am going to run with it anyway.
  7. Yep 100% spot on. It really isnt rocket science, I am highly highly confident the Pegula's understand this, they have THEIR handpickled GM and HC both of which are on the same page. This regime has at least 3 years imo unless of course they prove total incompetence as was the situation with Rex.
  8. True but seems fits are better than other. Where would Sammy be more productive, with TT or with Peterman,, i say TT no doubt.
  9. They overpaid Wood big time, that and dropping J Williams are the two moves I question.
  10. He had a near perfect pre-season: zero bar fights, no duis and no inappropriate solicitations to porn stars.
  11. the poster said he was a douchebag when he was younger and I agreed and stand by that. Did I say he was a woman beater, rapists or murderer, no, so just chill out. And to answer your question, I was never young, I was born mature, you are probably pretty jealous of me, I cant help you there friend.
  12. That is entirely feasible. Pats could be 14-0 and sealed up home field advantage and could care less about a perfect season, besides that a Bills win would keep us from the #1 slot in the NFL draft.
  13. Levy was somehwere between Rex and McDermott. He gave his players a LOT of freedom, way too much in my opinion but he was smart. Rex was lazy and managed by personality, get his players to play hard because they liked him. McDermott seems to be very straightforward no-nonsense guy that is well organized works his arse off and demands a lot from his players. Rex treated his players like they were his friends, Levy treated his players like they were grown responsible men, even though they always weren't
  14. This is true no doubt but somewhere along the road he matured and has turned into an incredibly decent guy. Just like his nephew Chad but with more talent.
  15. It says " beef on weck shown here" . You are correct it looks like a pretzel bun. must be an error, i certainly hope they arent tryng to pawn that off as beef on weck.
  16. At the very bottom is a picture of beef on wick, looks horrific. 1) you don't put cheese on it, 2) the roll is too dark, what is that pumperknickel 3) there is not enough carraway seeds and/or salt 4) the beef looks eeh
  17. So that explains the Wood extension, i understand it but still don't like some of the consequnces.
  18. Marcel Dareus benched week 3 McCoy & Williams miss 7 games, Tyrod 6, Peterman 3 Joe Webb Starts a game Tom Brady will pass for 900 yards against the Bills Defense will be bottom 10 for yards allowed
  19. Yes, I hear you but you know what, why not, why not act like you are a real football team, does it really hurt anyone? No, is it a bad example for the team, I think not. Good for you Todd Bowles, at least you are not out mouthing like a Rex Ryan jackass for attention.
  20. Unless Boldin was dogging it in pre-season, New England doesnt want Boldin, the slowest WR i have ever seen in the NFL..
  21. What ever happened to that "committee" of team leaders or whatever he was going to form.
  22. LOL, yeah ok, who do you think you are bullshitting, i will give you credit for creative spin.
  23. I think you need a course in reading comprehension and/ior be intellectually honest that you made a mistake.
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