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RoyBatty is alive

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Posts posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. The Bills are going for quality over quantity? I like the starters and Wright is not the worst back-up in the league, but I still worry about cutting a guy like Mabin who was a solid system fit and showed a nose for the ball in the PS. Hopefully we see him on the practice squad and can call on him if someone goes down

    Need to keep a watch on Mabin hope no other team picks him up, to the OP point, realistically we are going to need another CB at some point this season, nice to have him in the wings.

  2. Except for TE, DL, FB we aren't exactly stacked. Would be nice if the Bills had a CB on the PS, one safety who I never heard of. We can always cal up Colt Anderson or the CB we just released.


    We are going to keep a lot of DLineman with their rotational scheme.


    FWIW as Belichek always says you can never have enough CBs in this league, Pats have 5 CBs and 6 Safeties, so far that strategy isn't working out for them this season.

  3. I'm guessing Mills eventually gets jettisoned and when that happens we will be solid on the Right side. Either Dawkins or Henderson will be huge upgrades.

    I didnt key on Mills bit there were two plays in a row where it was impossible to miss how he, by himself, blew up two plays in a row killing a drive.

    Incognito deserved to make it based on his play on the int, knocking the Jet into the ball carrier than tackling and stripping the ball, loved it..then when the other Jet jumped on Incongito he played it up for a penalty from the refs, loved the entire sequence, smart heads up play.

    I made this point in another post so I apologize for the redundancy. This new staff completely revamped the defensive backfield and also changed the defensive scheme from man coverage to zone coverage. They seamlessly made this transition through the draft pick, trade and free agent acquisitions. The coaches simplified the defense and the players held to their responsibilities. The coaches coached and the players played with no confusion and breakdowns. The moral of the story: Coaching matters.

    I thought you had to have a three inch playbook to be a good coach?

  4. Dishonest posting at it's worst.


    You, nor anyone else has a clue when it comes to myself and my beliefs.


    I actually find it very disrespectful,like most of the garbage you've spewed towards me. You lie and break rules here constasntly in regards to me, and to be quite honest, I'm tired of it.


    Keep you're thoughts on me to yourself. You have no business speaking about another man unless you can say it to me in person.


    Enough is enough with you, and it's time someone holds you accountable for the conduct you've displayed here.

    Wow, relax To paraphrase the immortal Rodney King, "arent we all Bills fans, can't we all just get along?"

  5. Regardless of the caliber of opponent what is remarkable and a tribute to the coaching staff is not only was the defensive backfield completely changed but also the system changed to a zone system. This unit played cohesively and smartly. There was no confusion and broken assignments, as far as I could tell. The defense has been simplified and the players on the field know their assignments. If you watched the coaches on the sidelines there was little histrionics and more communicating with the players. The difference between a disciplined coach and an undisciplined coach is stark. While Rex tried to show how smart he was McDermott tried to put the players in the best position to succeed.

    Great post.


    I recall so many broken assignments last year with the inevitable finger pointing, i would mention a few names but no point in starting that up.


    Good write up..but I disagree here greatly with the Clay INT.


    Clay had zero defenders between him and Taylor. Taylor did not force anything into double coverage, its a short field being in the redzone, almost impossible to not have 2 defenders near a player unless they have isolated only player to one side of the field and its man coverage only. The player covering Clay was trailing, and the second defender was behind Clay...thats open in the NFL, its a throw that should be made, its a throw that was put right where Clay should have caught it as it hit him in both his hands in front of his face. This is a throw all the top QB's attempt, but people are getting on TT as if it was a bad decision when it clearly wasn't as Clay was open and in the end zone where TT threw it.


    Clay let it go through his hands and it ends up being an INT. I will let TT throw that pass 100% of the time, and when you are among the highest paid TE's in the NFL, there is literally not a single excuse for not catching it. If anyone thinks the coaches are going to review that tape and get on TT for throwing it, you are sorely mistaken. They will be all over Clay for not making a play he HAS to make.


    For all Clay's athletic gifts, his mental game is weak and always has been. Watched him dog routes too often, make marginal efforts on plays we needed, too many focus lapses, etc. If this guy could up his focus and effort more consistently then I think he could be one of the better TE's in football. And with a heavier focus on him this year, hopefully that will translate into him being more focused and ready when TT throws his way moving forward.

    I think a l;ot of people are on TT for throwing it because, being the quality leader he is, Tyrod took the blame for that saying it was a bad decision when, in fact I agree 100%, it was not a bad decision.

  7. Head fakes, oh yeah. I admit it, I bought in during the Fitzmagic 4-5 game run, the win against the PAts was the best since the Super Bowl era and we all know how that worked out.


    At least I never bought a Fitzmagic T-shirt or thought calling the WRs "the goon squad" was cool or creative.


    Need more games before I will feel this is anything more than a sub par to mediocre team.

  8. Good job as always Shaw.


    I love the way you start out with a softball "Rex Ryan wasn't stupid" but with your 5 bullets, point by point annihilate Rex, subtle, masterfully done. You nailed many of his coaching flaws, to bad there were no challenges to contrast McD versus Ryan.


    I would like to see how we the defensive crispness and substitutions stand up to a hurry up offense, like the Pats,


    One thing I disagree with is Tolbert, he is very mediocre, the long runs he had were more to do with gaping holes buy the O Line, I think had J Williams been here the first long run Williams would have been hard to stop.

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