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RoyBatty is alive

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Posts posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Bills fans should slow down on the celebration about how terrible Gilmore is, he is stil young in the Belichek system.


    After spending two years in Camp Rex he went to a sophisticated system in the New England backfield where you have to know what all the wrs, tes, rb and even QB are doing as well as what your tea mates are doing...the Rex system was for the most part, you cover X, sometimes you will have safety help sometimes you wont, that was almost the extent to what he did in Buffalo 90% of the time. Give Gilmore a year in this system and we may not be slapping ourselves on the back as much, at some point he might "get it".

  2. The fact you ended your post with the most commonly perpetuated myth in Buffalo in the last 5 years explains the ignorance of reality that started your post. Try reading anything on the history of Buffalo (Mark Goldman’s work; Power Failure, etc.) and then report back on whether or not the troubles this city and region faced after WWII is overstated. Do you hold the same comment about Detroit? And because you supposedly have fared well here does not make your argument valid, in fact it’s only an indictment of your blindness to reality and other possibilities. Bethlehem Steel once employed over 25,000 well paid workers with middle class wages. Same with the multitude of other steel and metals related industries. This was a blue collar, get your hands dirty community. You graduated in the 50s, 60s, and 70s and generally went to work at 18. Shipping and warehousing were important as well, starting from the city’s inception through the Canal era and rail eras. It supported our place as a dominant manufacturing region. But those jobs have largely disappeared. People who lost jobs didn’t leave for more money, they left for a job, any job. When Bethlehem and Roblin and Hanna Furnace and Republic closed, those thousands of workers didn’t find their skills valuable here anymore. And when Bethlehem laid off literally thousands on one day, there weren’t 1,000 jobs in other steel factories for them to go get. And the region as a whole struggled to transition to a knowledge and advanced services economy. Which is still a problem today. It’s not like when Bethlehem closed in the early 80s, Microsoft was here willing to employ 1,000 steel workers in computer engineering. An economy over-leveraged in making things can’t simply just flip the switch and become a different economy with the existing human capital. You can’t subsidize your way out of it. Or build your way out of it.


    And if you believe the region or city is on the rise, it surprises me not at all given your predisposition to see this place only through your own eyes only and constructed reality. The region just, JUST, got back to the employment level of 2001. So we’ve risen to what? Back to 2001? Does anyone think things were great in 2001? That’s the resurgence? Population in the city has decreased every year since 1950. Yes. Every. Single. Year. How does that work with the resurgence narrative exactly? Regional population is stagnant since 1970. Median household income in the city is a few hundred dollars less today, when adjusted for inflation, than when Byron Brown started in office. We have one of the highest poverty rates in any large cities. Low paying services as a percentage of the overall economy are higher than the national average, meaning we’re creating low end jobs.


    But I suspect if you’re doing well and enjoying all the craft beer and hip over-priced eating establishments in the city, you don’t care that those people serving you represent the new jobs in the “new” Buffalo, which is a lot like the old Buffalo.


    Shame on you for equating the cool places you get to spend your money at as indicative of a resurgence.


    Shame on you for being historically ignorant and for accusing those who left for being driven by money and good weather rather than actually and truly being forced to leave for a job to put food on the table, clothes on their kids’ backs, and pay the bills. You are truly an ahole.

    Great post but too bad you ruin it by getting over emotional and telling the other poster "Shame on you" and "You are truly an ahole" because he/she disagrees with your opinion. Who are you, the moral police? If you are jealous he likes craft beers and goes to hip restaurants that is your problem.


    LOL, yep, you got it.

  3. Seeing this list makes me want to absolutely puke,


    Wade Phillips, Gregg Williams, Mike Mularkey, Dick Jauron, Chan Gailey, Doug Marrone and Rex Ryan. Honestly I thin Ryan is the worst.




    Love this TT quote,


    “Over the past three weeks, we have practiced a number of situations. Ironically, they have happened in the games. We are prepared for it."


    Ironically? really, like shocked huh, just underscores what a farce of a coach Ryan was.

  4. This weekend is the proverbial proof for me. The Bills DSRS is the best in the NFL, while the Bengals OSRS is the 5th worst in the league. They should not score more than 14 points against Buffalo. On the flip side, the Bengals defense has been pretty good. Only the Packers generated more than 300 yards of total offense against them and they have not allowed a 100 yards rusher yet this season. This Sunday's game has all of the hallmarks of Bills teams of the past. Win games you're not supposed to win and lose games you're not supposed to lose. Despite being a 3 point underdog by Vegas standards, I feel like this is a game that they should absolutely win. It should not come down to late game defensive heroics like the Atlanta game.

    Both teams go to their bye, Cinci can go into their bye with a two game win streak, 2-3, very salvageable season left. They lose they go to a bye with a 1-4 record and their only win against the Browns, Bills can got 4-1 which would be absolutely incredible. This is a very very big game.

  5. This weekend is the proverbial proof for me. The Bills DSRS is the best in the NFL, while the Bengals OSRS is the 5th worst in the league. They should not score more than 14 points against Buffalo. On the flip side, the Bengals defense has been pretty good. Only the Packers generated more than 300 yards of total offense against them and they have not allowed a 100 yards rusher yet this season. This Sunday's game has all of the hallmarks of Bills teams of the past. Win games you're not supposed to win and lose games you're not supposed to lose. Despite being a 3 point underdog by Vegas standards, I feel like this is a game that they should absolutely win. It should not come down to late game defensive heroics like the Atlanta game.

    So what is a DSRS and OSRS, I assume Defense and Offense but what is the rest.


    Anyone else worried a little about the special teams coverage last weekend, we could have nearly lost that game to a kickoff return, the second big return of the day for the Falcons.

  6. I don't know Stephon Gilmore. I have no reason to wish him ill will, other than the fact that he plays for the Patriots. I've often thought that at some point the moves Belichick makes would catch up with him. I think he believes it is he and he alone responsible for that teams success. I hope they continue to lose. I hope moves like signing Gilmore put them in cap hell. I hope Brady gets sick of losing and retires.


    Well if they are going to start losing I would rather keep playing, progressively getting worse and tarnish his image, or go to the Colts and try to revive his career...something tells me that is unlikely.

  7. I disagree we should be 4-0, we "deserved" to lose at Carolina and we got very very lucky in Atlanta. CaM Newton tried his bet to keep us in that game and that was not a gimme catch (we dont know what the route either) The pivotal call on the Matt Ryan fumble was the game and that easily could have been ruled an incomplete pass on the field and probably not overturned.

    Yes like most NFL they are close so right now we "could" be 4-0 about as easily as we could be 2-2 imo.

  8. Can someone expain why the Ryan fumble was not an incomplete pass?


    That rule I understand, both the spirit of the rule and the rule itself.


    Now can anyone rationally explain the logic of the "tuck rule" of the "Calvin Johnson" rule, both of those have helped tarnish the game. My favorite is when a receiver gets the ball, rolls out of bounds which is not even part of the playing field but the ball comes out and is no long a catch, absurd.



    This is my take, as well.


    But there is something I don't quite get. Why all the Gilmore hate? I get reveling in his failure because he plays for the Pats*, but this seems to be something more. Was he a bad guy here? Did he shame the Bills on the way out? And I'm not even talking about the posts that say "He sucked from day one with the Bills" (or things of that nature), because I just write off those comments to stupidity. But there seems to be something that is driving real hate toward him, and I can't figure out what it is.


    If it's just about the $$, then Bills fans should LOVE the fact he's getting it elsewhere (especially from the Pats*).


    Fred Smerlas s#it all over Buffalo (the city), the Bills and their fans, yet everyone seemed to love him after he left (and to this day, it seems).

    Fred Smerlas was a great player for the Bills great, five time pro bowler for Us, Gilmore not even close.. I was not aware Smerlas dumped on Buffalo after he left, shame if he did he was respected and well liked here.

  10. Couldn't be happening to a nicer guy.


    I never thought he was worth the money he was going to demand similar to that of Watkins.


    These will be 2 decisions that I believe we will look back at and thank the FO for making.

    Absolutely agree 100% and I said that when we did it, even if S Watkins lights it up this year.

  11. Asking rabid fans to "cool it" is a nice sentiment but that is about l it is.


    This is the NFL anyone can win any week, we should all be disappointed if they dont win. Having said that, I think this is the first real test for our alleged #1 defense, I think the defense comes down to earth and this could get ugly.

  12. Yes it is as bad as it looks.


    The Pats are definitely beatable. The Texans literally had that game in their hands and the cornerback dropped the ball. A two TD underdog with a rookie QB goes up to Foxboro and should have won the game, this is not the pats of the past.


    Historically Brady is very good against zone. They will have to mix man coverage in if they play on having a real shot to mess up their patterns.

    Brady is going to pass for 400 yards each game on us, he is going to pick our zone to shreds between the 20s, how many TDs he gets is another issue with the field compressed in the red zone.

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