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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. look at the Browns Roster, they have only 2 players with more than 6 years experience, one with 8 is their punter and one with 9. How they managed top be in in some games with the unreal youth they have is remarkable. Laugh all you want at them but judge this strategy in two or three years.
  2. Speaking of Gronk, how in the hell does the Carolina Panther get a 2 day suspension for hitting A Rodgers while Rodgers was an active participant running on the field and Gronk gets a one game suspension for lining up and pouncing on a defenseless player on the ground that had already been downed.
  3. Shaw i think what you missed is that the Bills tried real hard in the end to give the game away, like so many times they have in the past, this time was different, good ole Jay Cutler "out Billed the Bills", he was atrocious. I look at this game more that Jay Cutler lost the game than the Bills won it. What you also missed was a team that played scared with a huge lead, some of the playcalling was tragic. Many Shady running plays that were destined for failure pre-snap and TT and the OC were unwilling and/or unable to change the play or audible out of it. One glorious sequence we were down to the 31 in relatively easy field goal range, a Shady run off left tackle were the Dolphins were stacked, result, a loss of five. Instead of an easy field goal it is now more difficult so we elect to punt from the 36. 3 wasted points. I am not sure the best team won last Sunday. At one point they had a first and 35 and got to to a 3rd and 5, fortunately Cutler held on too long and got sacked or they would have converted on a 1 and 35, and the 25 yards in penalties were pretty much a gift. All true except I think it was up to a 3 score lead.. The fourth quarter we played scared, just hoping and praying the defense could hang on. I dont think we looked like any type of playoff team in the fourth quarter.
  4. 1) I agree with Mike in Horseheads, WTH does Mark Brunel in 1994 have to do with anything. 2) No one is afraid of a scrambling TT and 2 6'5" WRs, if that was such a powerful combination why haven't we seen it be effective this year? 3) You admit we are unlikely to beat the Pats this week, how do you expect us to "go deep" in the playoffs, you thin we are getting past the Pats in Foxboro?
  5. Sam answer we have for Brady. None Well the reality is Ter got away with a lot of holding, partially because it looks a litle foolish for a guy that big to get holding penaltuies from a guy so much smaller. The entire NFL and for sure the refs know how much Tre White held that game, I dont think he gets away with it in Foxboro. Also lets not kid ourselves, yes Tre almost intercepted twice but the reality if Gronkl killed it in the second half of the game, that was the difference in the entire game, Gronk in the 2nd half.
  6. About time, the epitome of mediocrity. Why he lasted as long as he did, especially with some of the discipline issues on that time is beyond me.
  7. Jay Cutler, one of the most erratic starting QBs in the NFL has an off day with multiple picks, that is how we win.
  8. Ducasse, Kyle Williams, Seantrel Henderson, Cordy Glenn, Joe Webb, Mike Toldbert, Tyrod Taylor, Lorenzo AAlexander
  9. Good post, good story, imagine how easy it would be for a guy that big used to pushing D Lineman pushing a car stuck in snow
  10. I agree 100%, they are both terrible. But if you had to say which is worse, Talking Proud takes it.
  11. Participation is just one factor. NFL is losing its appeal on many levels. I think you will really notice it next year when people dont renew season tickets, many are showing up for games this year they have a;leady paid for. TV ratings way down 2nd yr in a row. Games suck, if you dont have a franchise QB you have close to zero chance, way too many penalties, way too many games decided by refs, absurd rules like what is a catch, too many commercials, NFL clearly over saturated (this will be it for Thursday might football), then on top of all that you have the anthem thing. Also waiting on more lawsuits, lawsuits at the college and even high school level eventually, just too much $ involved. Then you will have politicians getting involved and saving our childern not funding or outlawing football on the high school and college level. Game is we know it is doomed it my opinion, great ready for touch football.
  12. I am in high school football crazy Texas. 10 years ago there was maybe one parent I knew that wouldn't let their kid play football and they were very quiet about it not to be scorned, now it is about half and some are reticent to admit they do let their kids play. It is coming quicker than people realize. Watch some states outlaw football on the high school level or at least deny state/municipal funding, probably starts in Mass, NY or Conn. NFL has clearly peaked, no doubt about it. Just wait for next year season tickets sales and see how crowded some of these stadiums are.
  13. He deserves it, having been basically told by the Browns they don't want you and the injury he comes here and is a star. Congrats Jordan. It's like actors with all the awards shows and how they talk about how "courageous" of a performance it was...makes me want to puke.
  14. Totally agree, but I dont think it will take anywhere as long as 30 years. The NFL is dying on many levels. Just wait when a class action lawsuit is filed on behalf of former college football players against their universities.
  15. Not surprised the way he played, man ran rel real hard, he gave it his all, he was the best back in the league imo for a few years, the wear and tear just caught up to him.
  16. It is hard to believe Antowain Smith or Fred Jackson being in the league so shortly is a top 100 back
  17. NFL missed an opportunity to send a real message and should have suspended Mrshawn Lynch more than one game.
  18. Did he, that is really great, what a great guy and great player. He single handed won that Falcon game, heads up smart player. I always like him as a person since he actually decided to stay another year at LSU and be the first kid in his family to get a degree.
  19. Judge the Pegula's in two years, that gives them three years with their hand picked GM and HC, judging them at this time I think is wildly premature.
  20. Flutie is wildly overrated by most Bills fans. Mediocre QB at best with arguably the best defense the BIlls ever had, one season set a franchise record for lowest points scored against....imagine Tyrod Taylor with the defense we had for the first 7 games of the season, that was Flutie...except Tyrod has a stronger arm.
  21. Good god time to move on......why are people obsessed with demonizing a man dead for years now that got the Bills to Buffalo and kept them there.
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