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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Relax a little. I stand by my comments, Marrone doesnt owe any Bills fan any explanation or apology. Most Bills fans are so sensitive, acting like a jilted lover, it is a business.
  2. Marrone "owes" no one any explanation or forgiveness, it is a business, time to grow up. Want evidence, look at Harrison signing with the Pats. Marrone had a smart agent, contractually he got $4 million for doing nothing, didnt like the GM and knew his current QB EJ , was a disaster. Now he is on a team headed to the playoffs, congrats Doug.
  3. Texans set an NFL record with the number of injuries/different players they were forced to play this year. No way McNair is going to fire Obrien and he is not quitting so no Vrabel at Houston. And I would be thrilled if Patricia went to the Redskins.
  4. We could be a 5th seed if the Bengals & Jags win and we would play Kansas city.
  5. No,not really but any given Sunday always applies, even with the Pats/Bills. Almost everything had to work our way and after the KB TD call back i had zero hope and I think the team knew it.
  6. No they would not have overturned it. Wasnt irrefutable enough evidence.
  7. Yes because it was a demonstrably bad call. You want anecdotal proof in support of my argument, Ironically enough, BOTH the Pittsburgh TD and KBs td were the right calls on the Field. It was only after the replays got involved that they were overturned with the wrong calls.
  8. Your phone technology analogy to football is ridiculous, the actual game of football really hasnt changed that much, we all "know" what a catch is when we see it but not in today's NFL.
  9. True but it doesnt change the fact that this system is an abject failure and it seems to only be getting worse, they more they try to "fid it" the worse it gets. Tim Graham sums it up perfectly, "Common sense has evaporated from the replays process, wiping out compelling plays." The system is broken, there are no tweeks to salvage it, the more they try to define what a catch is the worse it gets. Letting the officials in NY has failed as well yesterday. Give it up, go back to officials on the field the first time and a thing called common sense.
  10. Yes I can totally imagine it because i recall the game BEFORE all this replay/challenge non-sense...the game was quicker, fairer and fans complained less.
  11. Old AFL Guy has it right, go back to what the system was 30 years ago, let the refs call it on the field and it stands, just like an ump calling balls and strikes in baseball. Everyone "knows" what a catch is at every level, everyone knows Kelvin B caught a TD pass, everyone knows the Pitt TE caught the game winner last week but both were called back due to micro-minutia decisions by instant replay. The NFL is in serious decline in populatory for multiple reasons, this idiocy about what is a catch is just irritating, frustrating and is ruining any intergrity this game has left.
  12. One of those games where the score is close until the end of Q3 but the game is never really in doubt, the Pats have long ball control drives, eat up tremendous amounts of clock. TT/Dennsion/McD are forced to open it up in Q4 only to turn the ball over. Final score in a predictable and painfully boring game, Pats 27, bills 16.
  13. Oh I can easily see them gashing us right up the middle and to put the cherry on it Gillisslee has 2 tds after being activated this week.
  14. Just like always, quick pressure on Tom Brady up the middle, stop the runs right up our gut and double team Gronk and on offense TT has to be a real passing QB as Belichek will take away our run game. We could go code red on offense and just let TT largely play unscripted street ball, running wild and throwing but they will spy him anyway. In other words, we need a Christmas miracle.
  15. Nicely done, really captures the football/Christmas spirit.
  16. Christmas spirit is certainly alive and well in this thread.
  17. Historically they are very very hard to watch, the surreal ways they have managed to lose games can be psychologically debilitating.
  18. Mini Max was really cool player, i recall once he got hit in the mouth, he came up all bloody, as a little kid i almost puked.
  19. Reality is we should do nothing. Belcihek is going to school him over and over again to control himself, the refs aren't dumb they are going to be watching. We cheapshot him he will likely take it and laugh at the Bills as they get useless penalties.
  20. I disagree, every injustice ever in the NFL is trumped by the manufacture of the "Tuck Rule", decided a playoff game for the Pats first Super Bowl win.
  21. Terrible ,terrible, totally non-creative no value adding hire.
  22. I agree but they are probably going to have to give him another year to try and shake the image of firing coaches too frequently.
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