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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Fournette could have a monster day. Looks like both DC should force respective quarterbacks to throw the ball, we have to go big on the line and crowd the box. How many times are we going to have to read about Marcel Dareus trade blah blah blah. I recall Marronne publicly dissing Bortles before the season started, Marrone has, lets say a unique manner about himself. What do most Jax fans think of him, now that he is in the playoffs I assume they know love him.
  2. I think one major key is if the jags are able to run right up our gut, that is where we have been dreadful on occasions. If you get the interior run game going I dont think we have much of a chance.
  3. I am just concerned the weather is going to keep a lot of Bills fans off the road, hope I am wrong
  4. actually, they didn't have to kickoff to us, the game was over.
  5. I agree, Rex is terrible at color during a game, he can't sustain his shtick for very long and he starts getting sloppy, confused, and mumbling.
  6. Milano has been playing well lately, that would be tough not to have him
  7. Get a QB in Free agency? Make a realistic suggestion that 10 other teams aren't going to be going after.
  8. It came up because I suggested the possibility? Right, you think that you are naive.
  9. This game is based I believe really on one thing just like the last matchup, which Cutler shows up, good or bad Cutler. Sounds like good weather for him.
  10. harsh but I can't argue against it, not sure how much EW does in terms of calling out blocking coverage (and getting snap count correct), some centers in the NFL are pretty damn valuable beyond their mere blocking ability. That is the only reason i can think of why they extending him when they did. He isnt going to get any better that is for sure.
  11. Skin color aside, there are no other players than those two that even come close to their seniority on the Bills I am going to guess they both have2x as many years with the Bills as the next closest player and both spent their entire career here, simple fact. WHo are Bills fans supposed to gravitate to, LeSean McCoy or Tyrod Taylor that have been here what 3-4 years and came from other teams? Player that has probably gotten the "most love" here in the past decade has been Fred Jackson so i think that severely stresses the race argument.
  12. Someone is bound to turn this into a racial discussion, just wait and see. Regardless, KW is a team leader and he is respected, for that he does have value beyond just play on the field. Also Marcel was the 3rd pick in the draft, got a stupid large second contract, more is expected and more should be demanded from his play. Third, Marcell has gotten into trouble a few times, missed a team bus etc., KW to my knowledge has been a model citizen. Finally, at this point KW is old, again expectations are lower. MD should be in the prime of his career.
  13. Years ago, more than a decade ago I had a few of the best flights in my life in 747-400s, used to fly back from Europe in business or first, cant even remember but a couple times spent nearly the entire time in the bar, i really had some great times up there, nice people, if the stewardesses were "cool" it real made it enjoyable. I would think they have it configured all first class. Half those players could barely fit in if it wasnt.
  14. I agree 100%...i think his biggest asset in college were has hands. After that Carolina "drop" in game 2 I think his confidence took a nosedive, he certainly talked as if he lost the game which I think was noble and the right thing to say but not true. That was a very difficult catch, either he was not at the right spot at the right time or TT was inaccurate with the throw. I cant blame his hands for dropping that one.
  15. Maybe. I will go longer term than and include Yolo, Gunner, Badlands Meanie and Shaw66, and way back from the BBMB most best poster was Bumbles...when he or she wrote something it was correct 955 of the time..
  16. How can anyone with a straight face not admit Zay Jones dropped way too many balls he should have caught. And no I dont even blame him for the alleged drop at the end of the Carolina game, that was a tough catch (not his fault that is assuming Jones was in the right place at the right time)
  17. Best poster, Dunkirk Don and I do realize he/she maybe fabricating everything but it is entertaining and provoked good discussion regardless.
  18. To some fans, yes..to the organization/team/players...squat. To me, nah. Memories of all those years of Miami dominance make me realize that even the Pats dominance wlil someday come to an end.
  19. So Gettleman got let go by Jerry Richardson and doesn't take long to find another job. Wonder if Gentleman "had the goods" on Ricahrdsaon and that is why he was fired..also have to wonder how much if anything McD and Beane know about some of the issues surrounding Richardson's quasi-forced departure.
  20. Yes Tomlin mumbled a la Belichek about what is best for the team right now, from what I could tell no acknowledgement of all Harrison had done for the Steelers through the years...then again some players voicing issues of Harrison recent work ethic and behavior. Not a happy divorce at all.
  21. Very logical and who in the right mind could blame him. Evidence right now shows he made the right decision. So he wasn't a "nice guy" in Buffalo and had a screaming match with Whaley, who cares. They guy produced here with our first winning season in 9 years and he is doing pretty darn well in Jax of all places. Took over a 3 win team and now won his division handily. Might be coach of the year material. What was the egregious insult I "hurled", was it "time to grow up, its a business"...if that has you so outraged i beg your forgiveness for my incredibly insensitive insult. Sorry that was too sarcastic, really not trying to insult anyone here pick fights, just talk football so my sincere apology.
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