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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. only 4 posts in and already trying to turn this into Tyrod Taylor thread #4,569. I wil take the bait. Great, he made the playoffs. I want more than just making the playoffs. The great QB you speak of managed a massive 3 points in his first and only playoff game. It was time to move on. Lets see if he can bring the mighty browns to the playoffs.
  2. Actually i got a h=good chuckle outof that. Dimarco a feature of our offense, we are in more trouble than I thought.
  3. Ok so i was right, it is your class envy. Yes millionaires are bad, to each his/her own opinion.
  4. i asked a question, you want to tell me or give a smart response. If i had to guess you either have class enough and dont like millionaires or you think he has deep pockets and might get sued which I think is ridiculous.
  5. WTH does him being a millionaire have to do with anything?
  6. Yes, i was thinking the same thing, didn't even bother to respond to it, not worth it trying to educate people. Anyone note the irony here?
  7. I think as a second rd pick cJ would have been fine, i just think as far as the multiple number of whiffs the Bills have had I dont think CJ in rd 1 would make my top 50. Just look only at some of the 1st rds we have had, just since 2000, Mike Williams, Aaron Maybin, Erik Flowers, EJ Manuel, JP Losman..none of these guys should have been drafted at all
  8. What made it worse was our OC, was it Alex Van Pelt, that decided we were going to use the hurry up offense, since it worked so well 20 years ago with Jim Kelly...poor Walker, it almost killed him, total mismatch of players to scheme. That decision to try the hurry up since Edwards was supposedly so smart and could run it was a total joke.
  9. I like the OP selections a lot except I think the CJ Spiller was a bit harsh though, CJ was not a terrible player, he had one incredible year, 1200 yds rushing averaging 6 yd/carry plus 450 yds receiving, had a few very good years as well.
  10. I dont get it, why in the world did he enter the party? Had he just walked away with Bortles wallet he probably would have never been caught
  11. Actually I was talking about his personal life, he had a series of tragedies including his brother getting murdered a few years ago. Did I read correctly that you said Groy can play tackle? If true that is amazing versatility, keep him on the bench as insurance of Bodine is serviceable.
  12. This high light reel is instructive for a few things, he was hardly ever under pressure, his receivers usually had got separation/had their man beat and had ibncredible YAC. I give AJ credit, he did slide in the pocket nicely twice and had nice placement on the ball but this is more a testimony that he was as much the product of a great team as anything.
  13. I find it hard to believe Deshaun Watson only had a 45.
  14. The anti-Dareus, lol. What a sad life for Dareus, think of what kind of player he could be.
  15. Thanks, speaking of avatar's I can't read what is written chiseled in stone
  16. Unless you can read their minds and know about the contract you cant say that. It is quite likely a lot of Brandon's "inappropriate behavior" occurred at SJF, esp since he was probably away from his wife. Bills could claim SJF didn't provide a safe and secure environment for Bills personnel. Maybe the detectives uncovered some funny business Brnadon was doing with his alma mater. Maybe The Bills, beyond Brandon himself, ever really wanted it there. Multiple ways that Bills could have gotten out of that contract. SJF might be totally out of the loop with what Brandon did and this communication re-assured them. The tweet cost the Bills nothing and assured a lot of people. As I said before, smart move on her part.
  17. Do you know the terms of the contract? It was most likely signed by Brandon, there may have been an out if he departed. Or she may used his behavior to get out of the contract. So yes, it is impressive she cane out and proactively made the comment.
  18. to quell the rumors the bills were going to leave because it was Brandon's alma mater, it reassures SJF
  19. Smart move by a smart woman. This hysteria over not being qualified is a joke.
  20. real reason: he makes us a feel better about picking Allen.
  21. Why not, he is big enough and Jim Kelly was almost a LBer for Joe Peterno.
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