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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. That comment is unfair. Distinguish between what people said about his as a football player versus a human being. As a football player here he certainly did not live up to his 3rd pickl, 6 tds in 4 seasons, hurt constantly. I for one said we needed to get rid of him because he was frail, I always respected the man for what he did for his sister. Even before this new house he had a home designed for himself that she had one wing and space for a caretaker could help her out.
  2. Well certainly have done more research on him than I and I sure hope you are correct. Just think, 2016 when you were watching him he was 18 yrs old, pretty incredible.
  3. Understood. Your original post was accurate, if those two are both in the ROY convo then yes, I think we win the division, I believe the odds of that happening are about 5%.
  4. If Allen were to be rookie of the year then yes I think we would probably win the division. As for Edmunds and rookie of the year, I think that would be a borderline miracle. He turned 20 two months ago. Look up his scouting weaknesss, Instincts are average and relies on athletic gifts Can be a step slow to diagnose Lured by misdirection Will take random downhill paths that trap him in the quagmire Patience is lacking Races ahead of plays and voids his leverage and run fits at times Add that all up he is going to have a very difficult rookie season. A savvy QB like Brady is going to play fake him and misdirect him to death.
  5. No way, Marquise is smart, well balanced, incredibly mature for his age. He willl hold onto his money more than 95% of the players in the NFL. Quality guy, I wish all the best for him. Too bad it didnt work out in Buffalo, speaks to how terrible or QBing has been,not being able to remain healthy also hurt. Not many better people in the NFL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL6uTBnBfns
  6. could you imagine that would be an average 2.3 wins a season, even the Browns could "achieve" that
  7. I have already corrected my error. You keep bringing up he brought his team to the Super Bowl, yeah he did great. As I mentioned Tebow, RG III, Vince Young all had a great year or great moments, so what. The league figured them out and/or their skill seriously diminished. He was also going to get a gig with the Ravens til his girlfriend likened the Ravens owner to a slave owner. And now he is suing the league, yep that is EXACTLY who i would want as my employee, someone that is suing me.
  8. Once and for all drop the idiocy Kapernick was a good QB, yeah he got lucky for one year just like Vince Young did (rookie of the year), just like RG III did, hell even Tebow had a spectacular playoff vitcory throwing for over 300 yards......they were all figured out pretty quickly.
  9. RIP Nick Clark And so many look up to football players as "heroes", what a joke.
  10. As bad as the Shout song is, laregely because most are sick of it, "talkin Proud" is just downright embarrassing.
  11. You might be correct but I disagree. You get paid incredible sums of money, you really dont have a lot of responsibility and you have what 20 games a year. One thing that is inexcusable is to show up late for a game/miss a bus or flight. He was already on the hot seat for past mis-deeds. Belichek put Brandon Spikes on IR because he was late for a team meeting (not a game) despite the fact he was caught in a snowstorm. If Belichek had traded Dareus people would be saying how brilliant and tough Beiihek is. IMO, they abosultely did the right thing.
  12. I also think the Jets fans are much more rabid than are Gaint Fans. Giants fans are typically more affluent, white collar, very quiet, Jet fans are much more like Bills fans. Jets haven't won a super bowl in 50 years, giants have won 4 since then. List is a failure imo.
  13. Go figure, top 5 teams have won a third of all Supper Bowls every played. Look at the Bottom 10 teams, they won 6%. then you have market size impact. Look at the bottom, all small markets (sans Rams when they are in LA). Then you factor in the socioeconomic disparities between the have and have nots.
  14. Makes me glad we traded him. I didn't know Dareus said that, obviously very disappointing. I have some compassion for Dareus as he has had a brutal life and, and honestly isn't too bright. But he brought it all on himself, not like he couldn't see it coming after some of the trades they had already done with Watkins, no player that wasn't on board no matter what the talent wasn't safe. Trust the process.
  15. Thanks for posting, Good read, i am not sure there is anything I learned just a lot of confirmation. Beane knows and enjoys what he is doing, treats people the right way. Speaks appropriate GM speak but does let you know a little inside. I love these lines on Dareus, "“Marcell has talent,” Beane recognized. “We were really trying to get him to do things our way, every day. And I thought he took strides, but I don't know that we were ever going to get him there. So we just said, ‘let's see where it goes.’
  16. Above was my first car, Toyota Corolla Tercel about $5,200 brand new, cheaper car on the planet back then, had plastic on the floor and no radio...never replaced anything but tires, filters, one battery after 120,000 miles i gave it away.
  17. 5-11 seems pretty reasonable to me. My only difference is the Titans beat us and we beat the Colts, I think Andrew Luck wont be anything near what he was, they have a terrible roster and a potentially crippled QB. If you make those two changes to your predictions we start 0-8, the pressure to start J Allen if he already inst will be enormous.
  18. If he starts at all (sans injury to ALM) I am going with 6. Start him after the bye week. But I agree with others. hope it is zero.
  19. I wouldn't be shocked if he decides to retire before this season starts. If I were him I sure would, what kind of mental/physical state is Gronk going to be in when he is 50, between his back and concussions, he doesn't have a lot of brain cells to spare. He has two rings, more money that he can spend, i am sure Gronk would rather act like a fool than continue to buckle under Belichek rule.
  20. I LOVED what Tre White did versus Gronk last year BUT, 1) he could have been called with multiple pass interference calls...sometimes when a much smaller DB is doing it to a large receiver they tend to let it go more often and 2) Tre is psychically way over-matched, you just can't teach height. Edmunds is 6' 5 " with 34 1/2" arms, Tre White is 5 11 with 32" arms. Tre White give us 7" and 73 pounds to Gronk, that is a lot to ask.
  21. It could be a brilliant matchup, I am just afraid Gronk doesn't have a lot left in the tank and Edmunds has incredible potential and talent but is very young and green. By the time Edmunds is "ready" Gronk may be on serious decline/gone.
  22. 1) You state there is no "evidence" Carr would have been a franchise QB, the you ask for other examples, any example I bring you can state the same thing, there is no "evidence" so what is the point. Asking me to prove a negative. 2) I never stated or even intimated Carr would have been a HOFer but if you want to exaggerate my comments to help "prove" your point, carry on.
  23. Neither do I and I agree with another poster, love their old school logo, timeless classic.
  24. Living in Houston I , unfortunately watched a lot, lot of David Carr. His O Line was a joke and he often had no shot at success at all, The physical and mental toll on the man had to be enormous. Yes I understand the macho he isn't tough enough to play in the NFL crap but there are limits to the amount of punishment a man can take without having an impact. Listen to Aikman's (who you used as an example in your prior post) interviews sometimes about after his disastrous first year, he said he was close to quitting football. Is David Carr an extreme example, probably hwe is just the most painfully obvious, are their other "David Carr's" out these, that never had the chance to succeed, probably we just dont know who could have succeeded and didnt. Forget all the "tough guy non-snese, what about the injury risk, the concussions, those are REAL concerns and I dont care how "tough" you are mentally. You told me to ask Aaron Williams , why dont you ask him why he stopped playing at the age of 26. Ask Brady, yeah great analogy there. David Carr took more hits in his rookie year than Brady has taken in his entire career. Brady, Mr Tough guy in the NFL that often runs ways from players after they intercept his balls.
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