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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Very difficult sometimes to detect sarcasm here with al the bizarre and outlandish things people actually state and believe.
  2. I would as well, Rosen is, imo, clearly more ready to play in the NFL than Allen is, i would say probably a year ahead. Bills claim they can gix his accuracy issues, wel l they aint gonna fix them in a few woeks. Seriously, you dont see all the detractors of Allen, even here?
  3. Good call. I just looked it up, Barkley is by far the leader, here are the top 4 Barkley +140 Mayfield +400 Allen & Rosen Tied at +900
  4. LOL no kidding, The man missed one game due to a concussion mid-year and after over a month off football , couldnt even play in his bowl game, sorry that alone would take him out of my top ten. What he says and what he does is starting to grate on me as well. Fixing the NCAA, what a farce, what an ego.
  5. yes there is, it is on a three year rolling system
  6. Sports ebb and flow with popularity, to think football is magically immune is shortsighted at best. Remember when Baseball wa always going to be Amrica's Sport, what happened there? In the 1930s the three dominant sports were Horse Racing, Boxing and Baseball? Where is horse racing and boxing today? Attendance last year league overall was down half a million, Super Bowls adds adjusted for inflation went down. Not conjecture, facts. There is an entire litany of potential problems facing the NFL. 1) CTE 2) Technology threats to TV revenue source 3) Product itself: too many penalties, too many arbitrary calls and questionable officiating, what exactly is a catch, etc etc etc. It is a QB driven league, you dont have a top tier QB odds of success are incredibly diminish. I cut back watching for all these reasons. 4) The entire kneeling anthem thing, it has alienated some to think otherwise is either political agenda drive or just downright foolish. 5) Over saturation driven by greed. Thursday nights games are terrible, some Sundays you can watch NFL from about 9am til 10 pm. 6) Attended football games is getting excessively expensive and fan behavior is an issue. Oh yeah there are some real isues here.
  7. I noticed how some of them didn't contribute to Trump until AFTER he won the election and contributed big to his Inaugural Committee
  8. Maybe so and even maybe I am a twit, then again someone that comes here so often and knows all the commonly used "TBDisms" is almost by definition a twit, at least imo, from one twit to another.
  9. What a second, before you spout off any further how do you know her breasts are fake?
  10. This is embarrassing to watch. Sad thing is, i bet he wouldnt be a half bad CFL player, I hat to admit it but certainly I would watch.
  11. Agree on the 100%. I dont know about the farm system for NFL, the product (NFL Europe) tends to be unwatchable and it is too expensive and the NFL has a free farm system in the the NCAA.
  12. Because at that point they are nothing more than employees, might as well just stop the charade and pay them.
  13. Yeah, inertia is a great thing on the way up. Average cost adjusted for inflation for the Super Bowl ads actually went down
  14. " But reports from OTAs and minicamp pegged Peterman -- he of five first-start-first-half interceptions -- to be the most serious contender to begin the season under center." ROFLMAO..wow, there might be some apoplectic posters here if that happens.
  15. Kim Pegula sholud be the face of t4he NFL owners, lets get real here. 1) She is hot 2) She is not 90 years old 3) Women and a minority (diversity blah blah blah) 4) She is tough, look at the way she handled Incognito coming here. She is a great marketer. I think she is smarter than Terry, one thing is for sure, she sure is a much much better interview than Terry could ever be. 5) And most importantly, she is hot.
  16. I dont think anyone can realistically look at this offense, each and every position and say there is one, just one position which we dont have to worry about and is is "solid" and at least to the NFL average. Maybe Dawkins?
  17. plus we have an old RB that might get suspended and has had injury issues, no proven QB, our starting TE has spaghetti for he knees but beyond that offense is solid.
  18. I think in the not too distant future, former college football players are going to have a massive class action lawsuit against Universities and the NCAA and are going to win/settle for multi-billions dollars. They will first sue over CTE and injuries, then sue for future loss of earnings power maybe even collusion. A lot of smaller school programs and conferences will just fold and the big ones are going to have to radically change, probably hire them as employees, drop the student athlete farce, give them contracts and pay them. Northwestern Football players filed suit to unionize already. That was one step away from getting paid. I actually I am shocked there hasn't been lawsuits yet re CTE.
  19. 24 points below the national average which is just borderline mental disability and qualifies most (not all, dont want to generalize) posters here to seek federal funding as they are mentally and emotionally challenged.
  20. Very scientifically with my proprietary data base. Did you know the average IQ for Alabama football players is 89, 4 points below the average NCAA DIv 1 football?
  21. Eric Dickerson was going to to sign up with Texas A&M and suddenly was driving around in a gold trans-am..he changed his mind and went to SMU but kept the Trans-Am...dumb aggies It is a gross generalization of course but what Gugny says is more truth than "ignorance". Alabama football players, 90% probably, could care less about college, they are de-facto football players not student athletes.
  22. Wont work, you will have the Baker Mayfields, Josh Rosens "signing autographs" for $10 million /yr.
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