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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. For some reason i got a good chuckle out of that..tel us how you really feel about Mass.
  2. I am a "real Bills fan" and I absolutely want Allen to win, he by far has the highest ceiling of all three and it isn't even close. AJM and Peterman can never do physically want Allen can. .Does it have to be this season, no but eventually.
  3. I was a little disappointed they didn't cut him after the first game, not for the drop but clearly giving up on one play.
  4. This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have read here. So Alabama took top prize in a Robotic Commission. Am I willing to bet no one, oi mean no one gives on crap about this. If we all claim Alabama is the Harvard of the south will you please put an end to this? I have this image, granted is is prejudicial, of a typical Alabama, do you have a pot belly by any chance?
  5. Probably because 1) McD or Beane haven't said anything said what they plan to do 2) Allen played shockingly well in the first game 3) you dont know anymore than anyone else, just your assumption.
  6. Isnt he the same guy that goes on and on and on about how terrible Nathan Peterman is?
  7. Your first two paragraph I never thought about it but it is true. Third agreed. Fourth paragraph i cant buy into that. Maybe he didn't have talent around him but he wasn't facing SEC defenses with physical lightning speed LBs and DBs. It is all a wash. Fifth, I mostly agree. Allen has a set of nuts and quick release that EJ will never have. Possible, it could happen but after the Carolina game i have changed my mind materially. EJ's "flashes of greatness" were pretty darn limited.
  8. Oh yeah, there are a lot in the media that are just praying for Allen to fail to prove how correct they were about his accuracy issues. Yep he really did. Strange how that works. JP Losman had some great games, Vince Young was Rookie of the year, even Trent Edwards had some good games.
  9. "Warren Sapp on NFL Network: EJ Manuel has command and control of this offense like no rookie I've seen" LOL Yes it is a very scary read since i was so impressed with Allen.
  10. FWIW speaking of throwing angles, i saw a science show with Drew Brees throwing and it was amazing how almost every one of his passes was at a 7 degree angle.
  11. Yeah I did, that was impressive but still i would like to see better ball handling. He is going to take some vicious tomahawk chops to his hand if he keeps doing that.
  12. Good observation Royale. Actually I think this could be a very big issue when real games are played, defenders will be going after that constantly to strip him.
  13. Hope you are correct, i am just trying to be realistic, I actually have more hope for Coleman coming to a different team.
  14. I dont think Zay Jones will be a featured WR at all, what has he shown in the NFL to warrant that, nothing. How was his off season, borderline disaster. He was great in Tier II level college ball and was a high pick, ignoring that he is nothing special.
  15. No idea. If he/she got caught I am sure they threw him/her out. How do they enforce a ban anyway, just get a friend to buy you the ticket, what do they have wanted posters or facial recognition at the gate.
  16. I am not going to get too excited. So they claim he is catching everything, just like he did in college but he is also catching under non-contact. Until he catches everything under contact it doesn't mean anything to me. He really hasn't proven he can be a reliable receiver in the NFL when the hits are coming. Also I think if he can remain healthy Kelvin Benjamin is going to be the "featured" WR.
  17. Hey, there can be imitators but there is only one me. The jumping on burning tables the first time was creative, now it is just done to do it. Throwing Brady's dildo i think was one of the funniest and cretative things ever done by a fan, every time i see the film i laugh
  18. 1) Cynical yes, personal dealings with him, no but i heard plenty from a two kids that went to St Joe's with him. 2) True
  19. 1) I hope he flames out like the entitled, arrogant ass that he is. So his uncle is Bills icon, so what. 2) If he does succeed we will have to read over and over and over again about why we didnt draft him, we got Peterman 2 rounds earlier instead.
  20. LOL, people wailing about this and it only comes in as #23 all time worst Bills memories...ah yes quite the storied franchise.
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