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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. What shocks me is New England is only a 7 point favorite at home,l Texans played them tough last year, if a Texan db didn't drop an int they would have beat them.
  2. Manafort jury tells judge they cannot come to a consensus on one count Tremendous waste of money and the entire trial is meaningless to Trump and/or the lection.
  3. That was great thanks Pretty much blows Chris Charters thesis out of the water.
  4. Drop into coverage, was it Rex that had Dareus dropping into coverage? LOL
  5. He has been outstanding. I think he was misused at Stanford or not up to his potential, the Bills are discovering he can be a penetrating DT and cause havoc in the backfield instead of just standing his ground. I saw him run down a scat back in the Carolina game about 12 yards downfield. I think he is going to be a steal just like K Williams was as a 5th rd pick.
  6. Combined with that deep nasally voice he is hard to watch on commercials. The commercial when he cuts off a price of his neck hair, wont even call it a beard, then sprinkles the hair stubs on the guy and says "here is some Luck", I damn near puked.
  7. I dont think his arm will lever be what it was. They are going to look back on this draft as an extraordinary blunder. They picked up a guard, yes a guard, could have had Allen or Rosen?
  8. "And then …, and then there was that touchdown pass against the Panthers in the Bills’ first preseason game. We watched it over and over. Did a Buffalo quarterback actually find THAT receiver and make THAT throw?" THAT play and in particular that throw that changed my mind, i probably watched in 20 times. I was wondering if he knew how tight that would be, did he get away with one? It is hard for me to recall a throw that was that good. How many NFL QBs would even dare make the throw, a handful.
  9. They are plenty of low IQ sports fans out there, they proudly call themselves "clones", self iincriminating themselves they are the mindless followers they are. Rome was entertaining for the first few months but his shtick gets old but hey, some peole listen to him year after year.p
  10. Great write up as always Shaw but the shameless plagiarism from the Maltese Falcon, ".... caught me wistfully looking at my Jim Kelly bobblehead. He asked what it was, and all I could say was “the stuff dreams are made of.” I have NEVER been this excited for pre-season in my life, not even close. What J Allen has demonstrated thus far stuns me. Yes it is only 2 pre season games but this is the most hope I have had since the Kelly years and it is even close. I think we have a POTENTIAL QB that is going to match the greatness of Kelly. After this long long drought it really does fell like it is almost a dream. And thank God Kelly has already annointed Allen as the new franchise QB for the Bills, he has done that multiple teams, last one was EJ and look how they al worked out.
  11. To the OP, who was more annoying of the three, Gregg Williams, Doug Marone, Dick Jauron..you really think McDermott is more annoying than this group, we have the Devious, the surly and the walking dead but McDermott it he most annoying of people.
  12. Bill Belichek, works fine for him. McDermot also claps too much. I think he should hold pressers al the time to discussions upcoming game plans. This is a ridiculous thread.
  13. Well you can if that is all you have (Jeff George) but thus far, two pre-season games there arent glaring weaknesses in his game...poise, ability to move in the pocket, looking off DBs, deceptive mobility, and that cannon of an arm. His accuracy had been good if you account for some miscommunication with receivers and dropped balls and players giving up on routes. All things to work on in pre-season. I for one am truly stunned, thus far how good he looks.
  14. Wasnt he Offensive rookie of the year and in a few more fizzled out. How about Vince Young, he was offensive rookie of the year and look where he landed, even JP Losman once healthy and had his best year when he had a ful season under him. Bad Qbs can get lucky and have some incredible early success until DCs learn how to game plan them.
  15. Good post but if after all these years 5 super bowl rings and people kissing his ass as the GOAT, if Ton Brady still is motivated from the draft almost two decades ago the man will never be happy. I think this entire "chip" nons-sesne is wildly blown out of proportion.
  16. i have a good friend that is a Cleveland Browns fan, i would LOVE to see Colemen have a great night tonight. Great story line for Hard Knocks of which the Browns ineptitude seems to be a never ending supply of.
  17. Its also ok to wait til the end of the season to see who wins the Super Bowl, i mean why waste valuable time speculating on the future.
  18. Yes we should be very worried. I dont know how much guaranteed money we gave him but this might go down as one of the worst FA signing of al time. If he never plays a down I wont at all be shocked.
  19. I just looked up his stats, if I am reading this correctly, Marcus had 42 touches as a rookie and fumbled 3 times, wowzer.
  20. Well of course the Bills should consider Brady but he is old and he wont sleep very well because all the motels in WNY arent up to his standards. Also not sure he wlil fit into our salary cap. Although he could be a great mentor to Josh Allen but I thin it would be like Favre and Rodgers, or the famous dou of Bledsoe and Losman. The vet would be smug and really not try and help the younger. Brady could be our present but J Allen is a future HOFer imo so he is the bills future. So it is just not so easy to say we should pick up Brady if he is cut. There are many factors to consider, you have to think forward like I am doing.
  21. It was an inside joke, read shoutbox if you want to know i would nt waste my time if i were you.
  22. <Moderator edited to save a warning>Sony Michel their rd 1 RB is hurt. Gilisslee is a lock for the PAts. Why not start a thread asking if we should pick up Brady if he gets cut.
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