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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Wow was it really 13-34, lol, I only saw the highlights of the game. What was really pathetic was the pick six, it was telegraphed, no zip on the ball and late but beyond that it was a quality pass.
  2. With this offensive line they would be crazy to go in with only 3 QBs. Allen may prove to be totally "unplayable" this year is another factor, they arent going to cut him. I think it is a foregone conclusion you keep 3.
  3. Look at my Avatar but no, I was not the thrower but i think that is one of the most clever and damn funny thing ever by a Bills fan, a lot more creative than jumping on tables and drinking till to do a face plant in a bus
  4. No not really opposite opinion, Clay has had terrible hands, had 5 drops last year but they are NOT cutting him so I dont even think it is in the discussion.
  5. I think you are correct...i never understood the fan's love of O'leary beyond the fact he was Jack Nicklaus's grandkid, not Jack Nicholson
  6. Your avatar should be part of a rorchach test, i keep think the same thing.
  7. I think you are right, that first TD of the Bengals looked real real bad, like comedy bad, whiffed twice on one play. That groin injury and 30 years old may have caught up to him
  8. Yeah actually that is true but he jalso set up to shallow on a few plays making it worse and other times trying to be a hero too often, take your loss. #99 of the Bengals, I have never seen such a big man on the run the lose so often.
  9. Think before I type huh. What does Peterman have to do with this? *I never mentioned or inferred anything about Peterman. But just for laughs to answer your question, after that first half debacle i wasn't interested enough in concentrating on 2nd and 3rd stringers playing against each other so I can't answer your question nor do I care. Maybe you should think before you type.
  10. He had of sacks past 2-2.5. seconds, play not there throw it away. He has to learn to throw it away, he tries to be a hero too often, escape backwards, that worked well at Wyoming, wont work as well in the NFL where all the defenders are quick. He worst pass which should have been intercepted was symptomatic of his day. And if you are going to get sacked, learn to step up in the pocket and lose 2 yards not 10 or 15.
  11. His Jordan Palmer training apparently left him on that play, there is no human that cold throw a ball that far with both feet in the air. Chips, most of the pressure was right up the middle, what are we going to do have a fullback constantly back there?
  12. Ok want to play that game he should also have had an interception. Biggest issue I see is he staring down his receivers, retreating far too back, taking way too long (learn to throw it away).
  13. So averages out to 5-11 for the Bills, looks generous after yesterdays debacle. Interesting they are all over the map on the Dolphins.
  14. Off the top of my head I can tell you Bledsoe, Ty Law were with Brady after he took over and when he won a Super Bowl and as a Bills fan you sholud recall Milloy cam over to the Bills the year after the Pats won the first Super Bowl. Troy Brown and Faulk both won multiple SBs with Brady, I dont even know Robert Edwards.
  15. What do you mean it was a canard, it certainly wasn't, it was a bona-fide concern, if it wasn't he would have been pick #1, his athletic superiority to the other QBs was/is undeniable.
  16. So does anyone think or world famous QB coach for the Bills David Culley is going to try to improve and change Allen's footwork...lets pray not.
  17. If Allen continues to look as good as he does, Palmer s going to be in very high demand, he can coach multiple QBs and get paid a lot, lot of money. I recall Palmer interview talking about how great Allen could be, i thought it was self serving but everything he said seems to be coming true and more so. Very impressive interview and the results so far back him up.
  18. I HOPE you are right,home opener, when was the last time new England lost a home opener. And Brady looks as good as he ever has, his performance vs Philly was top notch, they sure dont look like they are going to start out slow this year..
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