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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. 2 reasons, 1) tyrod Taylor grossly inflated those numbers and most of those yards on busted plays, little no credit to the O Line, 2) we had one of the best RBs in the business
  2. It depends what kind of haul we get, if there is some incredible QB everyone wants trade back. Lord knows we have plenty of holes to fill 2 wrs, i te, 1 LB (Lorax is ancient), 3-4 O lineman i CB (Davis=bust)..yeap we have a lot of holes s0 most likely trade back. In three years if Allen works out, Edmunbds is the real deal, we could have a heck of a team.
  3. Very reasonable. For me this season is about bringing Allen up when he is ready, unfortunately that game plan it out the window, i would be happy if he progresses through the year and doesn't get hurt, if we go 3-13 i dont care esp if we get pick #1.
  4. I wrote if the goal is to win games, not even considering the playoffs this year.
  5. I understand it is not hurry up but by your own admission, rushing people to get to the line promptly. This is the team that there starting #1 WR didnt know where to properly line up, a dysfunctional O Line that hasnt gelled, a questionable starting C. For there to be an advantage, for the OC to get a good visual and then relay it to Allen, you probably have to get to the line with 25 seconds on the clock, that is asking waay too much. Also DCs arent stupid, if the bills sit at the line with the headseats still active, DCs will show multiple pre-snap alignments. As Golden Wheels or someone else pointed out this is asking way too much of an ineffective O Line, we will have so many false starts it wont be fumy. Our rookie QB has enough to worry about, trying to rush things is the last thing I would do. MCarron has some real experience and actually played somewhat competently in an NFL playoff game, Allen and PEterman have shown next to nothing and with this O line if both get hurt, which is a real possibility, then we turn to Logan Thomas, good luck with that.
  6. If the goal this year is to really win games what happens if Allen gets hurt or proves he is no better than Peterman...0-16.
  7. Trading McCarron was a HUGE mistake imo. So we have proven now Peterman isn't ready and may never be. Now even if they didn't want to, if they want any pretense of winning, they have to start their future behind a dismal line with dismal receivers. Allen has a good shot at getting hurt behind that line, imagine the entire season with Peterman at the helm. And what if Peterman gets hurt, he got hurt last year with highly limited play behind a better o line.
  8. This thread is going to be an adventure for sure. Peterman did get a raw deal,so what, l but he crumbled under the pressure.
  9. Yes, lest take our rookie QB and give him the extra challenge of a no huddle. At least let him calm down in the huddle and get the plays on correctly so everyone is on the same page. They had a very few number of plays out of multiple formations BUT they had two things this team doesn't, 1) superior athletes/players 2) experienced players that ran those plays flawlessly.
  10. Prediction, no it wont. You DONT do a no huddle with your first time starting rookie QB and your O Line which has had multiple micues and miscommunications. Allens head will be spinning, you get him in the huddle so they can properly call the plays and everyone is one the same page. This offense is not a "well oiled" machine which is necessary for the no huddle. You dont want to rush the QB, for the OC to tell him what to look for they are going to have to rush to the line in time for the OC to get a look and the headseat is shut off with 15 seconds to go. So if you are going to rush it every time, the just means the defense will have that much less time to rest between playing, a real real bad idea. Last weekend the D was gassed by the end of Q1, LAST thing you want to do is speed the game up. I cant think of a worse idea then to force an inexperienced QB into a no huddle situation. He has enough to worry about.
  11. Every credible sports media outlet I have seen, maybe 7 or 8 says we are.
  12. Some excellent points. What i find unwatchable i believe it is Fox with Steve Mariuuiici and Jimmie Johnson, NFL pre-game, they sit around and laugh constantly about childisih and ng jokes, after about 10 years i think everyone realizes Terry Bradshaw is bold and Jimmie Johnson has stiff hair.
  13. Well you are welcome. You start a thread about ESPN dogging the bills, really, what in depth deep conversation did you want to elicit from readers with such a powerful and unique concept to start the conversation?
  14. He only ran for 22 yards because our defense let in quick points and we had to move the ball quickly if we wanted a shot to win. Game got out of hand early. We cant put the burden on this team on one old RB, if he is our savior, we are doomed. We have to be able to throw the ball to open up the run, McCoy cant do it himself.
  15. Excellent points, you are correct. The only show I watch on it and only occasionally is Highly Questionable, it is so stupid it is funny and the Asian chick with the hamster like cheeks is hot. hot.
  16. Actually it is 15 seconds, you are going to have to go real fast if you want any help form the OC, again too much pressure for a rookie QBs first start. Making a rookie go fast is the last thing you want him to do.
  17. Baltimore is so highly thought of after humiliating us the area pickem vs the mighty Bengals.
  18. It is a bad idea. We are talking about a rookies first start with his head spinning and you want to run a no huddle? Let him get in the huddle get the play conveyed properly to his team so he doesnt have to bark it out at the LOS.
  19. Educated guess i bet and makes it sound like he has some inside info, than he hedges it by saying " (awaiting Sean McDermott)"
  20. I cal BS on this, I have heard Terry speak, he says nothing and knows even less. Now if it was Kim you bumped into, most likely on purpose literally, that I would like to hear.
  21. Flacco did look like Montana. With limitted pass rush Our secondary was a joke yesterday by the way, with so much else to B word about few people are talking about it.
  22. Denial of reality? LOL, ok so you know the reality of the future. Got it.
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