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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. F0r some reason Kyoe Williams strikes me as the polar opposite of they type of interviewee Rome would prefer...i can tel right now it will be an opportunity for Rome to talk about himself and how he never roots for any teams but the Bills mafia is special, the NFL is better when the Bills are relevant, blah b;ah b;ah
  2. I totally think this is bogus, Allen is a far far cry from the type of QB Belichek wants
  3. I agree on the blocks in a meaningless game, that one block (90?)I was praying he wasn't going to do it, you could see it a mile away, Bug Josh put his shoulder right into the guy...he shouldn't be doing things like that, certainly not after we are out of the playoff picture His ankle just landed awkwardly, it wasnt a dirty play imo, all he could go for was his legs
  4. Agreed as long as it isnt QB...for better or worse we have to go with what we have.
  5. Oh I forgot about that. It was particularly bad under Miami's hopeful new head coach Rex Ryan. Yeah he was one play at a time, is that calm under pressure or is it lack of situational awareness, dont know. I could also just insert maybe he aint all that bright.
  6. I am not sure if tit was situational awareness or just some excessive risk aversion to making a mistake. Conceptually i will agree with a lot what you write . Another idiosyncratic Tyrod behavior was he played better quite often when he was way behind early, i recall esp the one New England game where he opened it up and we almost came back to win it.
  7. I agree with Figster, this year I will look back on it as the year of Allen mostly followed by Edmunds. Allen is the most exciting and frustrating player this team has had in a long, long time, I cant really say there is a more interesting player the Bills have ever had to watch except for maybe OJ. Not only is he interesting to watch develop, he is downright fun to watch, you never know what he is going to do. When he runs you think he is going for 8 yards and he seems to glide to 25-30 yard runs with little effort, just like some of his ong throws. Dynamic and error prone, one of the most polarizing QBs you can have.
  8. Just like he did in college, he has a suspect groups supporting him so he thinks he has to create plays all by himself, plays hero ball far too often. I think he is slowly grasping the art of throwing it away, i can only imagine coaching him from that standpoint has to be a continual battle and frustrating.
  9. i dont think TT lacked situational awareness, he was very good at running just far enough for first downs when the game dictated it, he was simply afraid to make a mistakes throwing, even if it was third and thirty, J Allen is the direct opposite, 3rd and 30 he is gonna let it rip no matter what, even if is a 5% change of success.
  10. 9 Wins Jets are going to be a coin flip, either they get a good coach and Darnold is the real deal & they sweep us or real bad, we sweep them
  11. Fine he isnt predicting because he doesnt even have the balls to write he will be fired but he certainly isnt Reporting. He isnt reporting anytihng, he is speculating that a coach that has sucked might be fired, shocker, absolute shocker. Anyone on this board could come up with the same incredibly insightful comment. He has to keep coming up with things such as this so people think he has some special knowledge, why we even have a thread about this is beyond me.
  12. Yeah, i totally forget about that, excellent call. That just didnt happen. Kyle is a class guy,
  13. You get a thumbs up for that and for thinking outside the box but but i do disagree great Qbs are in fact worth it.
  14. I think the drafting of Harrison Philips then bringing in the other Phillips the writing was on the wall.
  15. Good for you Kyle, everyone has to respect what you have done for the Bills and your decision. You are still healthy and will go down as this era's favorite Bill.
  16. I try to be optimistic and use all the commonly known Josh Allen accuracy excuses (rookie, terrible wrs, terible O Line, dropped balls etc) but the reality is going back to high school at every level J Allen has had accuracy issues. So it comes down to one thing, can he learn.be coaches up. Can you improve on accuracy, some "experts" say you can with better footwork/mechanics, others insist you can only improve very slightly. We will see what will happen with J Allen.
  17. Thanks for posting a rather depressing article. There really isnt anything shocking to it. Lets hope he can improve as he matures, kid seems to be intelligent enough and is not making as many outright boneheaded throws, that in itself is a huge improvement. He plays less hero ball which is a big positive. One thing not mentioned is the lack of his receivers "bailing him out" on bad throws. I wonder how PFF ranks some of the Odell Beckham completions that are actually inaccurate throws. J Allen does deserve more credit for his running ability, after all he is the Bills leading rushed, LOL.
  18. Couldnt agree more. Actually, this game means a lot lot more to the Pats than the Bills. Maybe this is their in-season Super Bowl. They all know the narrative everyone is talking about, the PAts haven't lost three in a row since 2002. If the Pats lose tomorrow, at home double-digit favorite, it will be a total embarrassment. Not only that, if they lose and Miami wins the next two NE has a must win final game to get in the playoffs. Brady and especially Gronk look old and tired, no Gordon this a very winnable game no doubt. I am excited as heck to see what Belichek throws at Allen. I think the Pats have no respect for or WRS/TE, let their dbs cover them one on one, contest every single catch, be very physical/never give up on the play, start holding from the outset see what the refs call on PI. Jam Foster at the LOS to slow him down, release the jammer to blitz/spy Allen...i can see a lot of safety/cb blitzes see what Allen"s peripheral vision is like, make him think about one more thing. I think the PAts want to beat us by 30 points, badly, get back their swagger, limited soft zone, make our receivers beat their DBs. A lot of single high safety, that will give them more bodies to defend the run. ANd the Pats are going to run right at our two rookie LBs, as well as a lot of throws to White see if they can defend it.
  19. Thats the spirit! Dont waste your time even watching, better yet bet all the money you have on the money line the Pats will win.
  20. That was great, thanks for posting. J Allen is a great fit for Buffalo.
  21. For the first time since Brady stared his run I think the Bills have a real shot of beating them in Mass while brady is playing for something.
  22. I like the first pick and as you point out We need a guard and center badly, gotta pick at least one
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